Uganda: January 29, 2003


Ugandan Army commander Major General Kazini is in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to meet Sudan army officers and lay strategies on how the two armies can work together to wipe out the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Sudan recently agreed to fight alongside the Ugandans against the LRA. 

LRA rebels in North Uganda continue to attack ethnic Acholi villages and kidnap their children. On the night of the 27th, the army flushed the LRA out of Otwal village and rescued at least 16 captives (although the rebels killed one civilian). The army also rescued 14 other captives on night of the 26th, although the rebels struck within 50 meters of an army unit guarding the camp that night. Locals claimed that the unit only started reacting in the morning, after the rebels had disappeared into the bush. Meanwhile, the army claims that 28 LRA rebels had either surrendered or been captured by the army since January 2. - Adam Geibel