Uganda: July 25, 2003


The Ugandan army admitted that on the 15th, a gunship on its way to support troops engaged in the pursuit of an LRA group fired on a funeral procession by mistake. While flying over the area near the Moroto River on the border between the Lira and Katakwi districts in the north, it passed over the funeral procession for a man killed during a rebel raid. The mourners saw the helicopter and ran for cover in huts or in the forest along the road. The gunship crew took them for rebels and opened fire to prevent their escape, killing nine and wounding more.

Since the Ugandans' recently got them, their gunships have been flying many missions against the LRA. On the 9th, a Hind flying in support of the 5th Division hit a rebel hide-out north of Kitgum town and forced them to flee towards Sudan border. - Adam Geibel