Uganda: November 10, 2003


The army says it has reoccupied the Ruwenzori Mountains, to stem any rebel attacks from the Congo. The Uganda army believes that there are small pockets of PRA in North Kivu and ADF rebel remnants on the western shore region of Lake Albert and in Ituri province. The army was reportedly securing the bases they had used in the 1996-2001 fight against the ADF, who first attacked the Uganda on 13 November 1996.

The head of the Lira district (270km north of Kampala) regional government alleged LRA rebels have been raiding villages daily, and over 100 civilian bodies were between November 8th and 5th. The army estimated the total was only 42 on the 8th. A Roman Catholic priest said that the rebels had attacked at least five villages, forcing more than 3,000 people to flee. The raids started on the 5th, when the rebels hit the villages of Aranyi and Awapinyin (about 250km north of Kampala) at dawn, killing 21 people with machetes, clubs and rifles.

On November 5th, Ugandan troops killed one LRA rebel while seizing an assortment of arms and ammunition in a Pentecostal church in Kaberamaido district. The rebels were playing loud music to lure civilians from their hideouts when the army ambushed them, although some escaped with injuries. Army officials said the rebels had been ordered to kill civilians, in retaliation for the killing of their senior officer Charles Tabuley on October 29. - Adam Geibel