Uganda: December 10, 2003


Uganda reported its troops freed 90 abducted civilians from the LRA. The civilians were taken throughout northern Uganda, though most were freed after a Ugandan Army attack on an LRA camp. Ugandan troops captured two LRA thugs in one attack. Uganda also issued a statement that claimed the Ugandan Army (UPDF, Ugandan Peoples Defense Force) had contained the LRA in the Lira, Lango, and Teso regions or northern Uganda. That being noted, the LRA launched an ambush in Katakwi district. The LRA group shot up a vehicle and killed nine people. The truck was on its way to the cattle market in Acowa. A subsequent report (from the Ugandan military) confirmed the attack. At least 20 LRA rebels were in the group conducting the ambush. The LRA group retreated toward Oblanga.