Uganda: LRA Leaders Negotiating at Last


July 30, 2006: Over the last two days, there have been unexpected meeting between LRA leader Joseph Kony and a Ugandan political delegation somewhere on the Sudan-Congo (DRC) border. Kony and his followers are now being offered amnesty if they give up.
July 28, 2006: For the past two months stories and rumors have circulated of an impending "deal" between Uganda's government (led by Yoweri Museveni) and the Lord Resistance Army (LRA). The problem is, similar rumors have come and gone since the late 1990s. On July 5 Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni said that it was possible that LRA leader Joseph Kony might get some form of amnesty if peace talks actually produced peace. The problem is that Kony is under indictment by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Ugandan representatives have met with LRA negotiators in the Sudanese town of Juba (south Sudan) and a new round of talks began in Juba on July 14, with South Sudan's vice-president, Dr. Riek Machar, serving as chief mediator for the talks. On July 18 the LRA negotiators demanded that the Ugandan government create "safe zones" in Gulu and Kitgum (north Uganda). The Ugandan government rejected the LRA's ceasefire proposal. Uganda has demanded that the LRA cease "all forms of terrorism" and stop "all forms of hostilities." The government also says the LRA must "dissolve itself" and turn in its weapons. The peace talks in Juba were "adjourned" on July 24.
July 23, 2006: The Ugandan government threatened to attack LRA "forces" inside the Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo) if the current Sudan-mediated negotiations fail to conclude with a satisfactory peace agreement. Uganda also has said that Congo lets the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF—another anti-Museveni group) use Congolese territory as a base area.
July 18, 2006: Ugandan security forces reported they engaged ADF rebels in Hoima district (western Uganda). One ADF rebel was killed and one arrested. The Ugandan report said that the ADF is "regrouping" inside the Congo (DRC).