Morale: Streamers


August 8, 2009: The U.S. Army has given names to the five campaign streamers it has already authorized for units that participated in Iraq and Afghanistan operations. Previously, these streamers had only specified dates.

The "Liberation of Afghanistan" streamer covers operations there between September 11 and November 30, 2001. The "Consolidation I" streamer, for operations between December. 1, 2001, and September 30, 2006. Units with Afghanistan service after that will eventually be allowed to display the "Consolidation II" streamer.

Units that took part in Iraq operations between March 19 and May 1, 2003, can display the "Liberation of Iraq" streamer. Those who served in Iraq between May 2, 2003, and June 28, 2004, can display the "Transition of Iraq" streamer. And those who served between June 29, 2004, and December. 15, 2009, can display the "Iraqi Governance" streamer. A "Nation Resolution" streamer, covering service there after December 15, 2005, will eventually be authorized.

The streamers are a big deal to combat units. Those of battalion size or larger have their own flag, from which the streamers (2.75x36 inches) of all campaigns participated in, and decorations received, are attached to the top ("streaming" down the pole that carries the 52x66 inch unit flag, or "colors.")  These are carried during parades. Troops who have served with the unit during combat, not only take pride in their service, but see those who came before them in the unit in a different light because of the streamers. It's all about tradition, which does mean something for those who have served under fire. The U.S. Army currently has over 180 campaign streamers, and many units have dozens of them displayed with their unit colors.