Morale: Why We Fight To Kill Kids


December 31, 2009: One of the problems with negotiating peace between Israel and the Palestinians is that the Palestinian culture has become very pro-terrorism. Thus while the Palestinian Authority (which now only governs the West Bank, having lost control of Gaza to the terrorist organization Hamas) says it is against terrorism, it also offers condolences to the families of Palestinian terrorists killed by Israeli police. The dead terrorists are openly eulogized as martyrs and Palestinian heroes. They are praised for killing Israelis (usually civilians).

The Palestinians have created an alternate reality, which they teach in their schools, in which Israel does not officially exist, and those who live in Israel are simply dismissed as invaders who will eventually be ejected. Children are encouraged to grow up to be suicide bombers, and hate all Jews. All this is generally ignored by the Western mass media, especially when covering peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians. But this particular reality is common on Palestinian web sites, even many of those in English. It may be ignored in the West, but it is real.