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Somalia Discussion Board
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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
February 2025SYSOP 2/27/2025 8:39:19 PM 244
July 2024 UpdateSYSOP 7/13/2024 12:09:36 AM 00
Somalia April 2024SYSOP 4/15/2024 12:04:25 AM 00
Somalia Simmers and Shambles AlongSYSOP 2/20/2024 12:16:16 AM 00
Somalia December 2023 UpdateSYSOP 12/18/2023 12:28:20 AM 0143
Decline and FallSYSOP 9/22/2023 5:12:45 AM 00
Making the Impossible Dream Come TrueSYSOP 8/16/2023 6:29:59 AM 01
Fearwell to the PeacekeepersSYSOP 7/5/2023 6:08:44 AM 030
The Violent Road to Peace and ProsperitySYSOP 5/24/2023 6:13:03 AM 00
Stealing From Dead PeacekeepersSYSOP 4/22/2023 10:18:07 AM 1299
The Ancient CurseSYSOP 3/7/2023 5:38:46 AM 016
Persistent Al Shabaab On The DefensiveSYSOP 1/24/2023 10:52:29 PM 1317
Port Policy, Peace And ProsperitySYSOP 12/6/2022 5:42:04 AM 00
National Movement Against al ShabaabSYSOP 10/26/2022 6:01:41 AM 09
Peace And FamineSYSOP 9/14/2022 5:49:58 AM 058
New Government, More InvasionsSYSOP 8/10/2022 5:42:48 AM 00
The Waning Of Wicked WaysSYSOP 7/3/2022 9:47:42 AM 01252
The Past Is Again PrologueSYSOP 5/20/2022 6:00:59 AM 00
Seven States Of DisorderSYSOP 4/8/2022 5:28:28 AM 028
National Disunity Winning The ElectionSYSOP 2/23/2022 5:49:16 AM 00
Another Round Of Redemption And ExtensionSYSOP 1/21/2022 5:12:17 AM 06
Missing In ActionSYSOP 12/17/2021 5:27:59 AM 00
Perceptions and PrioritiesSYSOP 11/11/2021 5:58:43 AM 012
Thirty Years War BurnoutSYSOP 10/7/2021 5:21:50 AM 00
Panic Ploy FailSYSOP 9/9/2021 7:45:11 AM 1884
Creative ChaosSYSOP 8/11/2021 6:02:03 AM 00
The Power Of ParanoiaSYSOP 8/1/2021 2:18:23 AM 1675
Election MiracleSYSOP 7/14/2021 5:39:27 AM 010
Culture ClashSYSOP 6/14/2021 6:16:52 AM 00
Turks And Iranians Unite The CountrySYSOP 5/17/2021 5:49:46 AM 00
Ancient Cycle Remains UnbrokenSYSOP 4/21/2021 6:35:11 AM 1990
Out Of Many, NoneSYSOP 3/24/2021 5:57:43 AM 00
The Worst Gets WorseSYSOP 3/3/2021 8:15:01 AM 1660
Déjà Vu LoomsSYSOP 1/25/2021 1:58:46 PM 1828
The Reason WhySYSOP 12/21/2020 5:23:21 AM 00
The Need For GreedSYSOP 11/16/2020 6:13:30 AM 00
The Phantom TerrorSYSOP 10/14/2020 5:53:48 AM 00
End Of Some ErasSYSOP 9/9/2020 5:48:50 AM 00
Another Pointless ReshuffleSYSOP 8/3/2020 5:38:14 AM 00
A Sad History Of Lucrative FailureSYSOP 6/29/2020 5:42:59 AM 00
Profit And LossSYSOP 5/13/2020 6:02:11 AM 02
Skilled Slaves SoughtSYSOP 4/13/2020 5:36:13 AM 00
Wayward Warlord WoesSYSOP 3/17/2020 5:37:14 AM 00
Keep The Game GoingSYSOP 2/22/2020 2:06:13 PM 21011
The Worst Of The WorstSYSOP 1/6/2020 5:25:11 AM 00
Fundamental ProblemsSYSOP 11/25/2019 5:46:36 AM 00
What Is LostSYSOP 10/22/2019 5:14:20 AM 00
What We AreSYSOP 9/23/2019 5:49:32 AM 00
A Major Topic Of Conversation And FrustrationSYSOP 8/26/2019 5:47:06 AM 00
The National PastimesSYSOP 7/29/2019 5:48:41 AM 00
Peace Breaks OutSYSOP 6/27/2019 5:42:51 AM 00
Clan Loyalty Rules Them AllSYSOP 5/27/2019 5:34:17 AM 00
The Prize And The PrideSYSOP 4/29/2019 5:34:05 AM 00
Ghosts, Spies And The Commando BrigadeSYSOP 4/1/2019 5:27:27 AM 00
The Pride Of The NationSYSOP 3/6/2019 5:37:32 AM 02
Problem Identified, Solution UnknownSYSOP 2/4/2019 5:33:51 AM 02
ISIL And Al Shabaab Declare War On Each OtherSYSOP 1/8/2019 5:19:32 AM 02
Prosperity Propels Islamic TerroristsSYSOP 12/5/2018 5:41:08 AM 01
A Graduation To Die ForSYSOP 11/5/2018 5:16:41 AM 00
Chasing The Impossible DreamSYSOP 10/10/2018 7:00:18 AM 1170
Murderous Mayhem As A Career ChoiceSYSOP 9/10/2018 5:37:20 AM 00
No Terrorist Taxation Without IntimidationSYSOP 8/13/2018 5:31:20 AM 00
Singing, Dancing And StealingSYSOP 7/16/2018 5:40:17 AM 00
Being A Failed State And Owning ItSYSOP 6/18/2018 5:04:20 AM 00
Reunification Revival Gets ViolentSYSOP 5/30/2018 5:08:44 AM 00
Happy And BadSYSOP 5/2/2018 5:24:21 AM 00
Slogging Towards Some Kind Of StabilitySYSOP 4/4/2018 5:27:45 AM 00
Incurable, Intolerable And Impossible To IgnoreSYSOP 3/12/2018 5:42:21 AM 02
Stealthy Pirates And Kiddie KillersSYSOP 2/12/2018 5:26:57 AM 01
Written Receipts Provided SYSOP 1/17/2018 5:42:10 AM 00
Traditions To Die ForSYSOP 11/13/2017 5:19:22 AM 01
Dubious DistinctionSYSOP 10/12/2017 5:17:43 AM 01
Old Rules Versus The BasicsSYSOP 9/13/2017 5:39:44 AM 04
Depraved Politics PersistsSYSOP 8/10/2017 6:08:37 AM 01
Dividing By FactionsSYSOP 7/14/2017 5:08:05 AM 01
The Return Of The Dubious DistinctionSYSOP 6/16/2017 5:02:47 AM 01
Get Straight Or StarveSYSOP 5/19/2017 5:07:22 AM 02
Surviving TraditionSYSOP 4/20/2017 6:24:29 AM 00
Those Responsible Must Be PunishedSYSOP 3/27/2017 3:51:11 PM 1151
The Twenty Year PlanSYSOP 2/23/2017 5:55:28 AM 03
Heartbreak HotelSYSOP 1/25/2017 5:50:39 AM 03
Creeping Towards VictorySYSOP 12/22/2016 5:11:59 AM 00
Peacekeeper Plans In PerilSYSOP 11/24/2016 5:26:46 AM 00
Fear And SympathySYSOP 10/21/2016 6:01:22 AM 00
Being The Worst Of The WorstSYSOP 9/22/2016 5:18:32 AM 01
We Have A Problem We Cannot SolveSYSOP 8/27/2016 5:39:42 AM 00
Give Peace A ChanceSYSOP 8/3/2016 6:05:19 AM 00
The Cell Phone EffectSYSOP 7/11/2016 5:50:13 AM 00
The Invisible FistSYSOP 6/19/2016 9:05:25 PM 2259
One Thing Everyone Can Agree OnSYSOP 5/26/2016 5:07:24 AM 00
Situation Normal, All Messed UpSYSOP 5/11/2016 5:47:34 AM 00
A Failure To CommunicateSYSOP 4/21/2016 7:34:33 AM 3198
Family FirstSYSOP 3/29/2016 5:02:47 AM 00
A Sober AssessmentSYSOP 3/11/2016 5:04:00 AM 00
All Problem, Not Much SolutionSYSOP 2/20/2016 5:40:51 AM 00
Shoot On Sight, Shoot First, Shoot To Kill, Keep ShootingSYSOP 1/28/2016 5:21:48 AM 04
Getting Better But Not Better EnoughSYSOP 1/6/2016 5:53:06 AM 00
Iran Sends A MessageSYSOP 12/16/2015 5:26:06 AM 00
The ISIL Threat HelpsSYSOP 11/27/2015 5:18:31 AM 00
Making Headlines And Staying In The NewsSYSOP 11/7/2015 5:43:52 AM 00
Fighting BlindSYSOP 10/16/2015 5:25:13 AM 00
The Stalled ComebackSYSOP 9/27/2015 6:33:35 AM 00
Victories And A DefeatSYSOP 9/10/2015 5:33:01 AM 00
The Pros And Cons Of RecklessnessSYSOP 8/18/2015 5:13:11 AM 00
Islamic Terrorists Are Easy, Corruption Is HardSYSOP 7/30/2015 5:07:07 AM 02
A Nasty Ramadan SurpriseSYSOP 7/16/2015 9:24:51 AM 211520
No Quick Or Easy SolutionsSYSOP 6/13/2015 6:29:55 AM 08
For A Few Headlines MoreSYSOP 5/20/2015 5:52:46 AM 09
The Islamic ConundrumSYSOP 4/24/2015 5:30:46 AM 07
Killing Kenyans Is A Revered TraditionSYSOP 4/3/2015 11:57:13 AM 1188
Al Shabaab Ignored And AbandonedSYSOP 3/15/2015 8:05:49 AM 07
Bandits With An AgendaSYSOP 2/22/2015 8:30:06 AM 017
Going Back To The Future Is Not Politically CorrectSYSOP 1/30/2015 11:14:18 AM 1227
The Old Thief Is The Same As The New ThiefSYSOP 1/10/2015 5:33:49 AM 024
Vengeance Is In The AirSYSOP 12/17/2014 5:16:33 PM 3501
What Matters MostSYSOP 11/22/2014 5:32:34 AM 017
Al Shabaab Cut Down To A More Manageable SizeSYSOP 10/29/2014 5:49:48 AM 028
Al Shabaab Confronts DoomsdaySYSOP 10/5/2014 8:17:02 AM 015
Victory Followed By Another Civil WarSYSOP 9/6/2014 1:55:27 PM 2179
Forbidden Desires And Private ArmiesSYSOP 8/16/2014 5:42:03 AM 030
The Curse Of Uncivil SocietySYSOP 7/28/2014 5:40:16 AM 041
Holy Hell MonthSYSOP 7/9/2014 5:35:11 AM 035
Stealing SalvationSYSOP 6/16/2014 6:08:00 AM 036
Operation Eagle Chases GhostsSYSOP 5/19/2014 5:13:51 AM 046
The Only SolutionSYSOP 4/28/2014 2:48:54 AM 1128
Islamic Terrorists Down But Still NastySYSOP 4/4/2014 5:41:06 AM 00
Islamic Terrorists Down But Still DeadlySYSOP 4/4/2014 5:39:52 AM 056
Take Whatever You Can Get Any Way You CanSYSOP 3/14/2014 5:39:24 AM 060
All Your Internet Are Belong To UsSYSOP 2/14/2014 5:38:20 AM 057
Does Not Play Well With OthersSYSOP 1/27/2014 7:12:00 PM 2177
Chasing GhostsSYSOP 1/8/2014 12:32:29 PM 1241
Reforming A Hellhole Is Not EasySYSOP 12/16/2013 3:32:54 AM 7401
We Would Rather Be Feared Than LovedSYSOP 11/27/2013 3:40:54 AM 1175
Why Somalis Are UnpopularSYSOP 11/6/2013 6:15:44 PM 2248
Surrender Or DieSYSOP 10/23/2013 5:19:41 AM 068
America Joins The WarSYSOP 10/11/2013 5:17:21 AM 064
Terrorists Claim To Be VictimsSYSOP 10/3/2013 5:30:39 AM 073
Mall Massacre Sends The Wrong MessageSYSOP 9/23/2013 10:06:09 AM 1190
No Peace, Just A CeasefireSYSOP 9/3/2013 5:37:53 AM 065
Come Let Us Rob And Rape TogetherSYSOP 8/17/2013 5:04:44 AM 071
Mysterious Dutch Coast Guard Being FormedSYSOP 8/1/2013 9:19:17 AM 2288
Terrorists Terminate Each OtherSYSOP 7/15/2013 6:15:59 PM 1155
Egyptians Rise Up Against Islamic RadicalsSYSOP 7/2/2013 1:02:46 PM 2217
Only The Strong SurviveSYSOP 6/25/2013 10:57:12 AM 1187
Chaotic And Dangerous Is The New NormalSYSOP 6/13/2013 5:19:48 AM 083
Blood Money RulesSYSOP 5/31/2013 7:01:41 AM 081
Peacekeepers Admit To Their Heavy LossesSYSOP 5/13/2013 5:23:53 AM 0102
Islamic Terrorists On The Run But Not Yet DoneSYSOP 4/30/2013 2:35:22 PM 2153
Terrorists Terrorize Each OtherSYSOP 4/16/2013 5:24:28 AM 0115
Hunting For The Most Dangerous GameSYSOP 4/5/2013 7:39:22 PM 2155
Ethiopia Leaves A VacuumSYSOP 3/22/2013 4:59:47 AM 088
The Improbable Dream Of National UnitySYSOP 3/11/2013 5:36:40 AM 085
Al Shabaab Is Defeated Not DestroyedSYSOP 2/24/2013 7:53:35 AM 0124
Toxic DemandsSYSOP 2/6/2013 5:39:38 AM 0114
Get The American And Kill HimSYSOP 1/21/2013 5:38:25 AM 087
An Ancient And Still Popular TraditionSYSOP 1/16/2013 5:54:35 AM 048
Peace Comes At A PriceSYSOP 1/8/2013 5:17:48 AM 081
Pirate Base Captured By PoliceSYSOP 12/26/2012 5:43:42 AM 0155
On The Defensive But Still FightingSYSOP 12/14/2012 5:02:11 AM 098
Holy Bandits And The Forever WarSYSOP 12/5/2012 4:04:57 PM 2122
What To Do With Unemployed TerroristsSYSOP 11/27/2012 11:45:42 AM 1404
The Police Are Not Your FriendSYSOP 11/15/2012 5:03:22 AM 097
A Wild And Violent PlaceSYSOP 11/8/2012 5:13:47 AM 0106
Better To Be Feared Than LovedSYSOP 10/30/2012 9:20:57 PM 3118
The Bad Old Days ReturnSYSOP 10/17/2012 4:21:39 PM 2175
Setting Up The Bloody Last StandSYSOP 10/9/2012 3:52:44 PM 1120
Kismayo Falls To Amphibious AssaultSYSOP 9/28/2012 5:16:09 AM 0135
Kismayo Saved By Attacker GreedSYSOP 9/14/2012 5:28:08 AM 0107
Retreated But Not DefeatedSYSOP 9/4/2012 12:33:33 PM 1122
Bleak HouseSYSOP 8/23/2012 10:16:38 PM 1125
Hard Times For The Bad GuysSYSOP 8/13/2012 5:17:32 AM 0109
Fighting To The Last Dumb, Broke TeenagerSYSOP 8/3/2012 5:15:15 AM 0122
The Final OffensiveSYSOP 7/26/2012 11:38:58 AM 1161
Pity The Poor PiratesSYSOP 7/17/2012 9:43:55 PM 2127
What's Wrong With Peace, Love And AnarchySYSOP 7/9/2012 5:41:40 AM 090
Iranian Terrorists SeizedSYSOP 6/29/2012 5:39:59 AM 0124
Islamic Radicals In RetreatSYSOP 6/21/2012 5:01:27 AM 0116
U.S. Asked To Join Assault On KismayoSYSOP 6/14/2012 5:02:07 AM 0146
Al Qaeda Offshoot Offers Camels for Obama's Head, Hens for Hillary Clinton'sWarNerd 6/10/2012 9:36:00 PM 0835
Too Hot To HelpSYSOP 6/7/2012 11:50:29 PM 1135
Piracy off Somali coast more frequent, violent than ever, experts sayCJH 6/4/2012 5:45:30 PM 0785
Al Shabaab In RetreatSYSOP 5/31/2012 5:25:39 AM 0126
Al Shabaab Fades LoudlySYSOP 5/22/2012 5:10:56 AM 0115
Pirates And Lawyers Together At LastSYSOP 5/14/2012 5:39:41 AM 094
The Revenge Of The BanditsSYSOP 5/4/2012 10:30:52 AM 1142
The Pirate's LamentSYSOP 4/26/2012 5:19:16 AM 0129
Even Terrorists Have FeelingsSYSOP 4/15/2012 9:49:48 AM 0102
Al Shabaab At War With ItselfSYSOP 4/6/2012 5:29:50 AM 0129
Bad Guys Defeated On Land And SeaSYSOP 3/29/2012 5:25:43 AM 0147
The Terrorists Strike BackSYSOP 3/21/2012 5:17:40 AM 0177
Killers Without A CountrySYSOP 3/12/2012 5:19:19 AM 090
Prey For UsSYSOP 3/5/2012 7:21:34 AM 1241
Foreign Terrorists Flee The CountrySYSOP 2/24/2012 5:33:58 AM 0108
Al Shabaab Merges With Al QaedaSYSOP 2/16/2012 5:33:04 AM 0136
Kenya Advances To The CoastSYSOP 2/6/2012 5:37:19 AM 0125
Scared Kids With GunsSYSOP 1/30/2012 5:34:24 AM 0119
A Bad Year For PiratesSYSOP 1/17/2012 6:05:22 AM 0138
Islamic Terrorists Feel OppressedSYSOP 1/10/2012 6:18:29 AM 0190
Something Will Have To Be DoneSYSOP 12/26/2011 5:50:38 AM 0117
A Slow Motion Counter-OffensiveSYSOP 12/15/2011 5:27:30 AM 0116
Rolling Back The Islamic RadicalsSYSOP 12/7/2011 5:49:52 AM 0113
Ethiopia Quietly Rejoins The WarSYSOP 11/30/2011 5:46:44 AM 0111
Locals Unite Against Al ShabaabSYSOP 11/22/2011 4:51:50 AM 0112
Terrorists Fall BackSYSOP 11/15/2011 5:42:45 AM 0116
Kenya Closes In On Fortified CitiesSYSOP 11/4/2011 10:08:07 PM 1235
Has probably been missed.Thomas 10/28/2011 12:11:22 PM 51047
Showdown At AfmadowSYSOP 10/27/2011 6:06:28 AM 0143
Kenya InvadesSYSOP 10/21/2011 11:38:47 PM 1129
Has probably been missed.Thomas 10/16/2011 8:40:55 AM 0756
Extremely And Persistently ViolentSYSOP 10/12/2011 5:35:19 AM 0129
A Mess Beyond RedemptionSYSOP 10/4/2011 6:21:52 PM 2221
Even The Starving Must PaySYSOP 9/23/2011 5:16:00 AM 0142
Plundering The StarvingSYSOP 9/15/2011 5:35:52 AM 0186
The Great Dying Commences SYSOP 9/6/2011 5:37:03 AM 0119
Good Samaritans Get MuggedSYSOP 8/26/2011 5:26:57 AM 0149
The Triumph Of The Free Food BanditsSYSOP 8/17/2011 5:42:40 AM 0118
Willing To Kill For FoodSYSOP 8/10/2011 5:45:54 AM 0110
Poor Little Bad GuysSYSOP 8/4/2011 6:52:47 PM 3189
Feasting On FamineSYSOP 7/25/2011 5:30:13 PM 4224
Islamic Terrorists Defeated By HungerSYSOP 7/15/2011 7:13:31 PM 1168
Chaos On Land, Victory At SeaSYSOP 7/6/2011 5:44:17 AM 0135
Islamic Radicals Beset On All SidesSYSOP 6/28/2011 5:48:04 AM 0121
More Bad NewsSYSOP 6/19/2011 8:04:02 AM 0143
The Pirates Have A Plan BSYSOP 6/4/2011 4:07:18 AM 5943
Chinese General Points Out The ObviousSYSOP 5/27/2011 3:36:47 PM 51662
RuinationSYSOP 5/20/2011 2:05:36 AM 3926
Pirates Without A CountrySYSOP 5/5/2011 5:18:35 AM 0221
Pirates And Terrorists Demand MoreSYSOP 4/27/2011 12:07:48 PM 1895
No Peace, No Justice, No FutureSYSOP 4/15/2011 10:09:40 AM 2943
What Sucks, And WhySYSOP 4/4/2011 5:55:33 AM 0214
UN Blocks Formation Of Local Coast GuardSYSOP 3/27/2011 5:44:50 AM 31380
The American Terrorist Is KilledSYSOP 3/14/2011 2:43:45 PM 1891
Islamic Radicals Reluctantly RetreatSYSOP 3/6/2011 7:55:02 AM 0230
Long Expected Government Offensive BeginsSYSOP 2/25/2011 10:37:46 PM 21040
Looking For Volunteers To InvadeSYSOP 2/18/2011 3:42:48 PM 21088
The War At Sea EscalatesSYSOP 2/16/2011 9:32:18 AM 21146
Pirate Fleet UnchallengedSYSOP 2/2/2011 5:38:44 AM 1802
Allah Wants To Get PaidSYSOP 1/18/2011 3:33:48 PM 31269
Calls For Sending Commandoes AshoreSYSOP 1/8/2011 7:30:20 AM 1929
United In DefeatSYSOP 12/24/2010 6:00:25 AM 0304
The Last, Worst PlaceSYSOP 12/15/2010 7:08:22 PM 1728
Mystery Mercenaries Mass Up NorthSYSOP 12/7/2010 5:21:02 AM 0391
More Senseless ViolenceSYSOP 11/23/2010 7:29:28 PM 1857
Steal Until It HurtsSYSOP 11/12/2010 4:52:02 AM 0404
No Unity, No PeaceSYSOP 11/5/2010 5:18:22 AM 0386
Al Shabaab Is Falling ApartSYSOP 10/28/2010 5:29:53 AM 0355
Turning The TideSYSOP 10/21/2010 5:39:14 AM 0361
Mission AccomplishedSYSOP 10/14/2010 9:08:12 PM 11027
Al Shabaab Splits Over Foreign TerroristsSYSOP 10/10/2010 4:51:38 AM 31477
The Curse Of Good IntentionsSYSOP 9/30/2010 5:26:49 AM 0405
Islamic Terrorists Retreat And ReorganizeSYSOP 9/23/2010 5:10:14 AM 0623
FutilitySYSOP 9/16/2010 6:56:43 PM 3995
Bloody MogadishuSYSOP 9/9/2010 8:14:24 AM 0586
Failure Is Not An OptionSYSOP 9/1/2010 12:48:53 PM 1638
Mogadishu Is BurningSYSOP 8/25/2010 6:45:51 PM 1669
The MissionSYSOP 8/18/2010 5:06:40 AM 0472
The Tide Turns For A WhileSYSOP 8/12/2010 3:47:01 PM 2940
Y u all hating on SomaliansSomalian 8/6/2010 12:45:47 AM 1732767
The War SpreadsSYSOP 8/5/2010 7:41:35 AM 51003
The Deadly EnigmaSYSOP 7/25/2010 5:25:48 PM 31957
Ugandan Troops Want A License To KillSYSOP 7/16/2010 8:25:14 AM 11420
So Much To Die ForSYSOP 7/9/2010 9:16:47 AM 11182
The Most Dysfunctional Area On The PlanetSYSOP 7/2/2010 5:32:36 AM 0588
This Is How We Roll Down The Road To PerditionSYSOP 6/29/2010 12:15:26 PM 132340
It's America's FaultSYSOP 6/24/2010 11:50:17 AM 152941
Record Breaking ResultsSYSOP 6/11/2010 6:34:51 PM 21443
Bad Times For Bad GuysSYSOP 6/4/2010 4:29:08 PM 31431
Itchy Sticky Trigger FingersSYSOP 5/28/2010 10:11:31 AM 52090
Pirate Paradise PersistsSYSOP 5/24/2010 1:35:19 AM 21686
Welcome To HellSYSOP 5/21/2010 1:10:50 PM 31934
The Message From MoscowSYSOP 5/15/2010 1:18:18 AM 32117
On The BeachSYSOP 4/27/2010 10:54:01 AM 21270
Naval Officers Protest Piracy PolicySYSOP 4/19/2010 8:17:24 PM 31590
Russia Proposes, The UN DisposesSYSOP 4/13/2010 2:12:35 AM 3919
It's Not A Crime, It's A RightSYSOP 4/7/2010 11:47:21 PM 3727
Honesty Is Not The Best PolicySYSOP 3/29/2010 5:12:03 AM 0612
Clash Of Cultures Creates Continuous ChaosSYSOP 3/22/2010 10:04:21 AM 1636
Where The Chaos And Corruption Seems EndlessSYSOP 3/15/2010 5:09:33 AM 0573
The Lord Will ProvideSYSOP 3/8/2010 4:59:43 AM 0739
The RoadSYSOP 2/26/2010 5:17:11 AM 0676
Massing Forces For the Battle Of MogadishuSYSOP 2/17/2010 9:11:39 PM 1907
Showdown In MogadishuSYSOP 2/9/2010 5:11:14 AM 0668
Al Qaeda Faction Declares VictorySYSOP 2/8/2010 5:26:41 PM 82090
The Bad Boys Just Got WorseSYSOP 1/26/2010 6:38:37 PM 11512
Pirates Battle Each Other Over MoneySYSOP 1/19/2010 5:37:55 AM 0663
Radicals Rally Against Al QaedaSYSOP 1/12/2010 5:37:53 AM 0745
Islamic Radicals Hit A Rough PatchSYSOP 1/4/2010 5:42:00 AM 0629
Al Qaeda Trudges Down A Familiar RoadSYSOP 12/28/2009 4:58:07 AM 0592
Somali's laughing at AmericanDiana 12/20/2009 4:52:15 PM 3617741
Piracy Is The Way To GoSYSOP 12/20/2009 9:32:42 AM 0728
We Bring You The Gift Of DefeatSYSOP 12/13/2009 9:36:08 AM 0801
Killing Doctors In The Name of GodSYSOP 12/10/2009 1:43:45 PM 0827
Capitilism not dead yet as pirates open stock exchangeLe Zookeeper 12/2/2009 5:01:28 AM 01526
Feudal Magnates Gone WildSYSOP 11/29/2009 7:50:26 AM 0829
What Are All The Commando's For?SYSOP 11/27/2009 3:58:32 PM 93112
Beyond The Breaking PointSYSOP 11/15/2009 2:54:58 PM 41947
You Really Can't Make This Stuff UpSYSOP 11/9/2009 9:20:00 AM 32037
ParanoiaSYSOP 10/29/2009 2:53:35 PM 1911
Get Jiggley Or Get Whipped SYSOP 10/22/2009 5:39:42 AM 0958
Herding CatsSYSOP 10/15/2009 5:56:22 AM 0798
Peace Among PredatorsSYSOP 10/8/2009 5:05:53 AM 0828
Islamic Radicals Fighting Each OtherSYSOP 10/1/2009 5:52:24 AM 0815
Screw YouSYSOP 9/26/2009 10:24:15 PM 1980
Death And Disappointment From The SeaSYSOP 9/17/2009 5:14:20 AM 01147
Islamic Radicals Behaving BadlySYSOP 9/10/2009 5:05:59 AM 0851
Taking Care Of BusinessSYSOP 9/3/2009 5:05:59 AM 01094
Ad Hoc, Amateurish, And DeadlySYSOP 8/28/2009 10:07:32 AM 2922
Barbarians And BacklashSYSOP 8/20/2009 5:19:31 AM 01130
Gold Teeth Declared Un-IslamicSYSOP 8/12/2009 5:18:41 AM 01140
The Pointless Quagmire Gets CrowdedSYSOP 8/5/2009 5:17:33 AM 0928
Waiting On The Weather And The AuditorsSYSOP 7/29/2009 5:19:11 AM 0830
You Really Can't Make This Stuff UpSYSOP 7/22/2009 5:36:05 AM 0952
Peacekeepers Join The FightSYSOP 7/22/2009 4:17:07 AM 1987
The Somali HeadacheSYSOP 7/10/2009 5:17:22 AM 0986
Cries For Help Go UnheededSYSOP 7/8/2009 5:26:52 AM 01085
Blood, Money And MotivationSYSOP 7/1/2009 4:48:25 AM 01060
Assassin PowerSYSOP 6/24/2009 5:07:51 AM 01029
Somali mind set?WarNerd 6/17/2009 1:43:07 PM 31890
The Permanent RebellionSYSOP 6/17/2009 5:36:00 AM 01274
Since When Is That A Crime? SYSOP 6/10/2009 2:43:36 PM 22460
The Cost Of Doing BusinessSYSOP 6/3/2009 5:32:49 AM 01068
Desperate Islamic RadicalsSYSOP 5/28/2009 5:46:12 AM 01170
Give Me ShelterSYSOP 5/21/2009 5:12:02 AM 01071
Guns Over Troubled WatersSYSOP 5/14/2009 2:51:20 PM 41857
The Pirates Are WinningSYSOP 5/9/2009 2:30:41 PM 82248
Fighting BackSYSOP 4/30/2009 4:43:13 AM 01093
How Dare Canada!xylene 4/24/2009 11:08:56 PM 42365
Somali government pledged weapons to fight piratesYelliChink 4/24/2009 1:11:07 PM 02525
Running From The MediaSYSOP 4/23/2009 3:05:41 PM 11214
Why The Pirates Are Immune From AttackSYSOP 4/22/2009 3:23:17 PM 3810287
Embarrassing ConsequencesSYSOP 4/20/2009 10:29:06 AM 31648
Shoot, But Don't TouchSYSOP 4/3/2009 10:02:05 AM 11185
Let's Make A DealSYSOP 3/25/2009 5:46:33 AM 01083
The Big Bully BeatdownSYSOP 3/16/2009 5:51:09 PM 11330
A Waste Of ResourcesSYSOP 3/5/2009 2:27:38 AM 11183
job offermann 3/4/2009 3:11:07 PM 01896
We Have Met The Enemy, And They Are UsSYSOP 2/22/2009 12:51:58 PM 11380
Prison Ships For Pirates Get To WorkSYSOP 2/13/2009 3:16:04 PM 31548
Let's Make A DealSYSOP 2/6/2009 5:34:54 AM 01220
UN Threatens To Use The Starvation WeaponSYSOP 1/30/2009 2:57:36 PM 21504
The Land Of The Larcenous, Ungrateful And Trigger-HappySYSOP 1/22/2009 2:12:43 PM 82752
Islamic Radicals Fight Each OtherSYSOP 1/13/2009 6:32:47 AM 01303
The New Disorder ApproachesSYSOP 1/3/2009 8:30:09 PM 32055
No Peace To KeepSYSOP 12/23/2008 12:55:11 PM 02570
UN Opposition To Punishing PiratesSYSOP 12/12/2008 5:58:27 PM 22133
"I'll Be Back"SYSOP 12/5/2008 5:51:26 AM 51956
Shoot On Sight, Shoot First, Shoot To Kill, Keep ShootingSYSOP 12/1/2008 9:10:23 PM 73939
Pirates Reach the High Seas And The Big TimeSYSOP 11/19/2008 5:30:20 AM 32070
Convoy system musty be establishedxylene 11/19/2008 12:40:19 AM 02301
Why No One Wants To Pacify This MessSYSOP 11/18/2008 1:15:30 PM 73260
Frenchmen have the right ideaYelliChink 11/17/2008 11:32:53 PM 02125
Another Ceasefire To IgnoreSYSOP 10/30/2008 2:23:21 AM 21221
Shoot On Sight, Shoot To KillSYSOP 10/20/2008 1:14:35 PM 42484
France And Russia Want To Play RoughSYSOP 10/20/2008 1:21:54 AM 114265
Ransom Rallies Reckless RuffiansSYSOP 10/7/2008 3:22:13 AM 72118
Why Pirates Thrive And Cannot Be DefeatedSYSOP 9/28/2008 3:59:15 AM 32364
A ship too far, deuxscooterfan 9/28/2008 2:09:34 AM 02325
A ship to farscooterfan 9/28/2008 1:30:43 AM 02256
Chaos Continues Without End In SightSYSOP 9/22/2008 6:06:00 AM 01386
The Pirates of Puntland ProliferateSYSOP 9/5/2008 5:11:28 AM 21608
Canadians Lead Hunt For PiratesSYSOP 8/27/2008 5:35:41 AM 01510
Let Them StarveSYSOP 8/19/2008 6:01:30 AM 01717
The Arab SolutionSYSOP 8/11/2008 5:12:01 AM 01542
Let Them StarveSYSOP 7/30/2008 3:59:04 PM 11620
Food FightSYSOP 7/18/2008 5:04:58 AM 01459
Making War On Foreign Aid WorkersSYSOP 7/7/2008 5:45:50 AM 01347
Peace Deal Shot To PiecesSYSOP 6/26/2008 5:14:42 AM 01556
Peace Deal Is Dead On ArrivalSYSOP 6/17/2008 5:44:34 AM 01337
Western Imperialists Pursue PiratesSYSOP 6/7/2008 11:55:23 PM 32165
Let Us Starve TogetherSYSOP 5/26/2008 5:18:47 AM 01518
A Peace Deal To Die ForSYSOP 5/14/2008 5:57:13 AM 01395
Taking SidesSYSOP 5/2/2008 5:46:35 AM 01534
Raiders RuleSYSOP 4/23/2008 5:43:36 AM 01368
Greed, Guns and ParanoiaSYSOP 4/11/2008 5:03:01 AM 01767
Thugs R UsSYSOP 3/30/2008 7:57:41 AM 02056
Not Worth The EffortSYSOP 3/18/2008 5:27:48 AM 01560
Ambitious Young MenSYSOP 3/4/2008 5:16:59 AM 01488
Plunder Me Gently, Or ElseSYSOP 2/24/2008 8:00:22 AM 01665
Aid Groups Under AttackSYSOP 2/13/2008 5:09:46 AM 01499
The Price of ProsperitySYSOP 2/1/2008 6:02:37 AM 01580
Three Wars At OnceSYSOP 1/22/2008 5:29:49 AM 01441
Thieves RuleSYSOP 1/12/2008 4:56:56 AM 01626
Who Benefits From Bhutto's Death?SYSOP 1/3/2008 5:23:32 AM 00
No End In SightSYSOP 1/3/2008 5:22:49 AM 01513
Getting PaidSYSOP 12/27/2007 5:21:14 AM 01467
Life, and Death, Goes OnSYSOP 12/18/2007 6:16:55 AM 02095
The Pirates of PuntlandSYSOP 12/11/2007 5:40:25 AM 01759
Seeking the Mystery ShipSYSOP 12/4/2007 5:23:43 AM 01844
Emptying MogadishuSYSOP 11/26/2007 5:49:51 AM 01745
The Forever WarSYSOP 11/17/2007 5:42:09 AM 01600
Shooting, Starving and StealingSYSOP 11/10/2007 5:04:33 AM 01625
Clan Warfare Aims For The StomachSYSOP 11/2/2007 5:43:55 AM 03848
Pay For PeaceSYSOP 10/25/2007 5:42:09 AM 01570
Feuds Gone WildSYSOP 10/18/2007 5:51:03 AM 01408
Dying For Clean UnderwearSYSOP 10/11/2007 4:51:31 AM 01762
Only America Feeds The ViolenceSYSOP 10/5/2007 9:04:43 PM 11517
Things Can Get WorseSYSOP 9/27/2007 5:12:08 AM 01517
Axis Of Evil Joins the WarSYSOP 9/24/2007 3:31:30 PM 52489
All Those Guys With a Grudge and a GunSYSOP 9/13/2007 5:02:17 AM 01574
The Chinese Are ComingSYSOP 9/8/2007 1:50:14 PM 11945
Fight To The DeathSYSOP 8/30/2007 5:18:47 AM 01661
Feeding the FightSYSOP 8/21/2007 5:16:12 AM 01567
There Is A PlanSYSOP 8/15/2007 12:23:40 PM 22518
Fear, Greed and IntransigenceSYSOP 8/14/2007 8:14:22 PM 11502
Poor Prospects for PeaceSYSOP 8/7/2007 5:38:13 AM 01932
Islamic Radicals Promise a Long WarSYSOP 7/29/2007 7:54:25 AM 01431
Battling For Bucks In The BakaraSYSOP 7/14/2007 5:15:17 AM 01624
Too Dangerous For PeacekeepersSYSOP 7/6/2007 5:25:57 AM 01478
Oppressed Bandits Strike BackSYSOP 6/28/2007 5:38:38 AM 01523
Al Qaeda Forms New GroupSYSOP 6/21/2007 5:38:43 AM 01658
Persistent Pirates PrevailSYSOP 6/15/2007 5:42:47 AM 01385
Islamic Terrorists Step Up and Get HitSYSOP 6/8/2007 6:10:17 AM 01666
U.S. Warship Bombards Islamic TerroristsSYSOP 6/2/2007 5:10:32 AM 01707
Do Nothing, and Be Quiet About ItSYSOP 5/24/2007 5:06:18 AM 01459
Warlord HeavenSYSOP 5/17/2007 5:33:29 AM 01844
Pirates Back in BusinessSYSOP 5/10/2007 5:22:38 AM 01427
I Think We WonSYSOP 5/2/2007 5:39:36 AM 01662
Uncivil WarSYSOP 4/25/2007 6:11:40 AM 01810
Do Nothing And Hope For The BestSYSOP 4/18/2007 5:28:33 AM 01974
Time to Stop and TalkSYSOP 4/10/2007 6:29:46 AM 01782
Blackhawk Down Part 2SYSOP 4/3/2007 5:42:14 AM 01905
The Empire Strikes BackSYSOP 3/29/2007 5:42:15 AM 02041
The Silent Killers Are WinningSYSOP 3/23/2007 5:36:23 AM 01429
Bluff and BlunderSYSOP 3/16/2007 6:14:23 AM 01638
One Man With A Mortar Makes A DifferenceSYSOP 3/8/2007 5:54:18 AM 01524
No One to Negotiate WithSYSOP 3/1/2007 6:09:59 AM 01507
The Great ChaseSYSOP 2/22/2007 10:44:34 PM 21581
For a Few Dollars MoreSYSOP 2/22/2007 5:50:06 AM 01498
So Many Ways To DieSYSOP 2/15/2007 5:44:43 AM 01749
The Bad NeighborSYSOP 2/6/2007 5:58:56 AM 01851
Back to the Bad Old DaysSYSOP 1/30/2007 6:08:58 AM 01637
Plenty of Somalia, But Few SomalisSYSOP 1/22/2007 5:40:10 AM 01892
Gunfire in the CapitolDarthAmerica 1/19/2007 2:35:53 PM 03179
The real clash of civilizations?nycsean 1/16/2007 4:14:16 PM 03176
Martial Law and the Search for WeaponsSYSOP 1/15/2007 5:37:36 AM 01496
Nowhere to RunSYSOP 1/3/2007 5:06:08 AM 01449
Ethiopians Blitz Their Way Across the CountrySYSOP 1/3/2007 3:28:31 AM 122460
Ethiopian Tanks Defend Western CivilizationSYSOP 12/22/2006 6:33:14 AM 01651
Terrorists Expect TriumphSYSOP 12/17/2006 5:11:44 AM 01621
Islamic Courts WinningSYSOP 12/11/2006 5:38:34 AM 01472
Al Qaeda Base ThreatenedSYSOP 12/5/2006 5:40:01 AM 01853
Arabs Intimidate AfricansSYSOP 11/29/2006 5:18:20 AM 01432
Khat FightSYSOP 11/20/2006 5:18:48 AM 01903
Arab Cash Supports Islamic CourtsSYSOP 11/14/2006 6:20:23 AM 01388
Ethiopian Troops Tip the BalanceSYSOP 11/8/2006 7:14:15 AM 01470
Expansive PlansSYSOP 11/1/2006 5:23:21 AM 01568
Hey, Gang, Let's Go To War With EthiopiaSYSOP 10/26/2006 5:46:17 AM 01350
Religious Violence Gets OrganizedSYSOP 10/20/2006 5:29:23 AM 01503
Islamic Rule Gets RoughSYSOP 10/16/2006 7:05:28 AM 01615
War On Many FrontsSYSOP 10/9/2006 6:04:58 AM 01725
Massing Forces For a Big BattleSYSOP 10/3/2006 6:11:47 AM 01795
Radicals Reined InSYSOP 9/26/2006 5:56:58 AM 01512
Car Bombs Are The New Peace GestureSYSOP 9/20/2006 5:11:17 AM 01590
Behave or DieSYSOP 9/13/2006 6:08:40 AM 01466
Militant Islam Marches OnSYSOP 9/7/2006 8:49:00 AM 11487
PartitionSYSOP 8/31/2006 5:29:11 AM 01529
Proxy WarSYSOP 8/23/2006 5:08:21 AM 01975
Failure Is Not An OptionSYSOP 8/17/2006 5:50:46 AM 11419
Hazardous WasteSYSOP 8/9/2006 5:56:19 AM 01328
Going to Hell in a Handbasket - and the Council of American-Islamic Relations Says its a Good Thing swhitebull 7/9/2006 11:41:21 AM 03169
what the U.S. is doing to fight Al-Qaeda in Somaliadont_tread 5/15/2006 11:21:08 PM 23431
US missing big opportunity to make a great friend in Somaliashibiin_jr 11/25/2005 9:40:13 PM 14343
So we may be coming back for more.Phoenix Rising 7/24/2005 5:32:37 AM 115968
NOTICE TO OUR READERS - Somalian Trolls AlertSYSOP1 5/12/2005 12:13:08 PM 34403
Muslims ARE the enemyTrojan horse 4/23/2005 1:34:11 PM 99158
Living_lights in da hizzouze!ChdNormII 4/11/2005 11:17:58 PM 03519
Return to Somalia Why?Merchant 4/10/2005 8:00:47 PM 24391
Somalia questionChrisWI 4/10/2005 7:57:19 PM 24263
soamli smashed yankswatson 4/10/2005 7:54:35 PM 04452
No change!Balthor 4/10/2005 7:52:27 PM 23912
Somalilandbob 4/10/2005 7:47:21 PM 24552
Somalia, Black Hawk Down, and 4/10/2005 7:41:52 PM 05062
I check on somalia oftenmors ex mare 4/10/2005 7:39:45 PM 03813
Somalia the Beautifultommy atkins 4/10/2005 7:36:29 PM 14571
Somalia Researchwait.wat? 4/10/2005 7:34:03 PM 03843
We're coming back. this time we'll have tanks.Elbandeedo 4/10/2005 7:32:18 PM 34418
India, the UNO and SomaliaTigerassault 5/26/2004 1:02:23 PM 111857
India, the UNO and SomaliaTigerassault 5/22/2004 1:40:23 PM 05027
Quick Demise of African-Princess - FROM SYSOPSSYSOP1 2/18/2004 10:15:16 PM 24459
Just a thought on Somalia.SGTObvious 2/5/2004 10:37:44 PM 24051
Back OffLink 1/10/2003 3:55:51 AM 13748
soamli smashed yanksHasib Ghorgi 11/12/2002 5:06:51 PM 15019
Blackhawk 10/2/2002 9:33:47 PM 1913726
I am Ranger, 3rd Bat 75th 9/9/2002 12:51:38 PM 08960
hasib ghorgiwatson 9/9/2002 9:16:51 AM 03983
It''s prophet not 8/23/2002 10:42:13 AM 13698
Why bother?Jorge C. DeLeon 8/12/2002 4:22:25 PM 13780
Why did the UN give Somolia money? 8/9/2002 8:05:28 AM 04611
UN back into SomoliaPagoda Pete, "War Criminal" 6/21/2002 3:22:09 PM 312545
Black Hawk DownElbandeedo 6/21/2002 5:42:36 AM 04221
Ranger CreedElbandeedo 5/13/2002 1:34:26 PM 06735
(no subject)Ben 3/14/2002 1:50:40 AM 13771 3/13/2002 5:39:17 PM 03438
Possible Action in 1/24/2002 7:48:51 PM 24138
Somaliatommy atkins 1/18/2002 2:16:32 AM 24016
Somaliaron 12/21/2001 3:03:59 PM 03728
SomaliaMark 11/28/2001 6:27:12 PM 03839
Somalilandbob 11/18/2001 1:31:53 PM 04333
2 Questionsevlstu 11/9/2001 2:01:48 PM 13953
They don't want us there.Louie 11/9/2001 12:06:52 AM 13999

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