Algeria: Little War


January 2, 2008: The December 11th terrorist attacks in the capital led to a shake-up in the command of the security forces. It was believed that the attacks could have been detected and thwarted if the security forces had been more alert.

December 30, 2007: Acting on a tip, troops killed seven Islamic terrorists who were hiding in a house in Tebessa, on the Tunisian border.

December 27, 2007: Just across the border in Mauritania, four soldiers were killed when bandits or terrorists attacked an outpost.

December 26, 2007: In Mauritania, police are pursuing three suspected al Qaeda members for the murder and robbery of four French tourists. The terrorists came upon French tourists having a picnic in the countryside, and shot and robbed them. The terrorists then apparently fled to Senegal. Police had been tracking the three. A hundred or more Algerian Islamic terrorists have fled south to Mauritania and Mali, where they survive via banditry and other criminal activities.

December 24, 2007: A roadside bomb wounded three soldiers, some 600 kilometers east of the capital.

December 23, 2007: Police defeated a terrorist attempt to attack a police station 110 kilometers east of the capital. Elsewhere, police defused three bombs placed near a military checkpoint.

December 22, 2007: Some 550 kilometers east of the capital, police have surrounded a dozen armed terrorists, after capturing their camp and a large quantity of ammunition. Meanwhile, 450 kilometers west of the capital, terrorists killed two security men and took their weapons.