Indonesia: Islamic Terrorists In Desperate Situation


November 18, 2005: The recent death of terrorist leader, Azahari bin Husin, in his home, left police in possession of 30 bombs and much other evidence of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) operations. There are apparently only three other leaders of JI on the loose, and one of those (Malaysian Noordin Mohammad Top) may be hiding out in Indonesia, or Malaysia, and the other two in the southern Philippines. The evidence collected from the Husin raid, and follow up raids made on the basis of leads found at the Husin house, indicate that JI is a rather small organization. In fact, JI may be down to a handful of active members. At the moment, JI is more the creature of media imagination than an active organization. Nearly all Islamic clergy have condemned JI, and few Indonesians openly support it. The Islamic terrorists have been the authors of their own destruction, mainly because of their terror attacks that kill more Moslems than non-Moslems. The remaining JI members are apparently aware of their desperate situation, but did not appear to be planning anything different, just more attacks. While JI talks about killing non-Moslems, counter-terror operations make this difficult, so they just go ahead and attack whatever they can, which usually means more dead Moslems, and more bad publicity of Islamic terrorism.