Libya: July Update


July 21, 2024: Turkey continues to maintain military forces in Libya and expects that its troops and mercenaries will remain in Libya as long as it takes to gain their planned economic and political cooperation from Libyans. The Turks are less willing to block efforts to hold national elections and bring an end to over a decade of civil war. By early 2020 the Turks had sent enough troops to rescue the GNA (Government of National Accord), a failed UN and Moslem Brotherhood backed government, from its locally based rival Libyan National Army (LNA) force. The GNA failed to attract a national following while the LNA did. It has been around since 2015, when it was formed in eastern Libya and proceeded to eliminate rivals, especially Islamic radical groups, throughout the country. In early 2019 all that the GNA had left was the traditional capital Tripoli) and to the east the nearby coastal city of Misrata.

Both cities are dominated by dozens of rival militias, many of them seeking an Islamic government but mainly looking out for themselves. The LNA went after Tripoli in early 2019, from two sides and slowly pushed back the desperate militias, who would lose their independence and lucrative criminal enterprises if the LNA succeeded. The UN condemned the LNA and ignored Turkey shipping in weapons and military advisors to assist the GNA. By the end of 2019 Turkey was threatening to send in combat troops and warships to blockade Libyan ports. The Turkish support violates the UN arms embargo on Libya, as does the support Russia, Egypt, the UAE (United Arab Emirates) and a few other countries have provided for the LNA. The LNA agreed to a ceasefire and national elections. The Turks and their thousands of Syrian Arab mercenaries are still there and are prepared to stay indefinitely. Egypt, for the first time in centuries, finds hostile Turkish troops next door and is not pleased.

Both Libyan governments continue to engage in corrupt practices, despite scrutiny by UN officials and journalists. Local journalists are frequently responsible for accusations against corrupt Libyans. One of those corrupt practices the United States protests is Libya tolerating, and often cooperating with, people smuggling gangs that were offering air transportation to Nicaragua in Central America and then assistance to illegally enter the United States.

Despite all this, local elections were held and that has made possible national elections that might persuade the Turks to withdraw or at least begin negotiations about withdrawal. As of 2024 there is agreement between the GNA and LNA about holding elections. The only obstacle is the Turkish forces that refuse to leave Libya. Turkey is looking out for Turkish economic interests and knows it is blocking efforts to hold national elections in Libya. Most Libyans do not want to give in to Turkish extortion but the Turks are too strong militarily to be forced out of the country.




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