Nepal: Maoists Fighting Among Themselves


July 27, 2006: Apparently there are some internal rifts in the Maoist movement, with reports of assassinations and even open fighting between some factions. The rifts are the result of a split between those who want to continue the insurgency against the monarchy and those who are willing to accept concessions, including seats in parliament. In addition, there are the usual run of ideological differences that often develop when a movement isn't dominated by one major figure.
July 24, 2006: Maoists refused UN demands that the rebels give up their weapons before the elections next year, and maybe not after, either. The Maoists say they will keep their troops in their camps as long as the army does the same. However, Maoist "tax collectors" are still up and about, extorting money and goods needed to sustain the full time Maoists.
July 20, 2006: The fifteen senior-most army officers swore an oath, in front of parliament, to obey the parliament. Previously, the oath was to the king. Current strength of the army is 90,000, and many of the troops are monarchists. The Maoists say they have 26,000 active members, about 10,000 of them with weapons.


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