Somalia: Terrorists Expect Triumph


December17, 2006: The Islamic Courts say they are not going to attack Baidoa, and apparently expect the town, and the Transitional Government, to fall without a fight.

December 14, 2006: Eritrea, which is opening supporting the Islamic Courts, has sent a team to Iran, to plea for support in their dispute with Ethiopia, and support of the Islamic Courts in Somalia.

The U.S. believes that the Islamic Courts are dominated by wanted al Qaeda operatives, and that it is too late to save the Transitional Government. The Al Qaeda members in Somalia include those responsible for the 1998 attacks on two American embassies in east Africa. Al Qaeda has used millions of dollars in donations from backers in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Yemen, to establish themselves in Somalia. The United States does not plan to send troops into Somalia to deal with Islamic terrorists there, but will try and negotiate with the less exterme Islamic extremists who dominate the Islamic Courts.

December 12, 2006: Islamic Courts fighters have surrounded the last Transitional Government stronghold, Baidoa. The Islamic Courts have ordered Ethiopian forces to get out of Somalia within a week, or face attack.