Book Review: Congress's Own: A Canadian Regiment, the Continental Army, and American Union


by Holly A. Mayer

Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2021. Pp. xvi, 391. Maps, tables, append., notes, biblio., index. $45.00. ISBN: 080616851X

A Unique Continental Regiment

Prof. Mayer (Emerita, Duquesne) takes on the unique story of the Continental Army’s “2nd Canadian Regiment”. The regiment was raised largely from Canadian volunteers following the failure of the Patriots’ attempt to take Quebec in the winter of 1775-1776, in the hope of attracting more Canadians to the cause.

The regiment was unusual in a number of ways. It was one of the few in the Continental Army that had no state affiliation, and eventually included men from most of the colonies and some foreign nations, as well as a few from Canada, It was also unique in its religious character, Catholics being relatively numerous in its ranks. In addition, at least on paper, the regiment was much larger than the normal regiment. What is perhaps most impressive about this regiment is that it saw more of the Revolutionary War than most of the regiments in the army, literally serving from Quebec in 1776 through the fall of Yorktown in 1781, in virtually every part of the infant United States.

As Mayer tells us about this regiment, she also gives us a great deal of information on the organization and activities of the Continental Army in general, military practice of the age, the experience of battle, and even delves into the veterans’ experience, with a look at postwar land grants.

A volume in the UP Oklahoma series “Campaigns and Commanders”, Congress’s Own is an excellent read for anyone interested in the Revolutionary War.




Note: Congress’s Own is also available in several e-editions.


StrategyPage reviews are published in cooperation with The New York Military Affairs Symposium (

Reviewer: A.A. Nofi, Review Editor   

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