Iran: February 25, 2000


used to threaten Europe.

Russia and Iran took a tough stance against a newly passed US law that calls for sanctions against nations that help Iran acquire nuclear weapons. US legislators are threatening sanctions against Russia for the transfer of nuclear weapons technology to Iran. Russia denies this is going on and has basically told America to butt out. Meanwhile, reports from Iraq indicate that Iranian commandoes planted mines on the main road between Baghdad and Basra (where Iranian rebels have bases.) Several vehicles have been damaged, including one carrying Iranian rebels. The rebels say this is the 85th time Iran has attacked them inside Iraq since 1993.

February 24, 2000; Iran has let it be known that it does not regard the former Soviet republics of Kirghizstan, Kazakstan, Uzbekhistan, or Turkmenistan as being part of the Russian Federation and will seek ties and influence with those countries. Iran has also made it clear that it wants a fair share of the Caspian oil deposits and that this does not mean its territory stops 12 miles north of the Iranian coastline as the Soviet Union claimed (and enforced).--Stephen V Cole




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