Terrorism: January 2, 2000


incidents in 1985. 

Security officials in Arizona are investigating the recent theft of 1,000 pounds of explosives from a mining camp. --Stephen V Cole

January 1, 2000; The parliament of Mauritania voted to give the police broad new powers to fight terrorism. The new powers include the right to make preventive arrests, ban certain organizations, and carry out the searches of private homes. Anyone with information about terrorist activities must report it to the police or he will face prosecution after this knowledge is discovered. Anyone with proven links to a terrorist organization, even if they have committed no other crimes, will be sent to jail for five years. The vote was strictly along party lines, with the 42 members of the majority voting for it and the 24 members of the minority voting against. The new laws can also be used against hooligans and those who incite racial hatreds to the point of violence; there have been several violent incidents at recent soccer games. --Stephen V Cole


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