Terrorism: January 11, 2000


was not charged with any crime. --Stephen V Cole

Swedish police have discovered that 1.3 tons of Dynamex explosive were recently stolen from a construction company. The Swedes fear that these are in the hands of radical groups, perhaps neo-Nazis or perhaps motorcycle gangs (which are vastly more lethal in Europe than the American branches of the same clubs, having used machineguns and rocket launchers in their turf wars). Police in Fort Worth, Texas, arrested Jere Wayne Haney, an American Airlines mechanic, for possession of bomb-making materials. A police search of his home turned up 50 pounds of ammonium nitrate, which is used in both bombs and fertilizers. He also had 12 rifles, four pistols, and 2000 rounds of ammunition, a personal collection not entirely uncommon in Texas. Haney also had anti-government and white-supremacist publications, and had stolen 400 small one-drink bottles of liquor from American Airlines. Washington DC confirmed that its millennium festivities would go ahead as planned despite concerns over possible terrorist attacks. --Stephen V Cole

January 9, 2000; Mayor Paul Schell of Seattle canceled all public millennium celebrations for New Year's Eve due to the threat of terrorist attacks. More than 50,000 had been expected at a celebration near the Space Needle. After rampant rumors of an impending terrorist attack, New York city increased security yet again, particularly around Time Square. Such a huge crowd of people would be a perfect target for chemical or biological weapons, and even a small nail bomb could spark a panic that could see hundreds trampled to death. Mayor Giuliani refused to cancel the event. Washington DC assigned 400 policemen to protect the expected crowd of 100,000 on the mall, and Los Angeles said it would deploy more police than at any time since the 1984 Olympic Games. There were no terrorist activities in any of these cities during the New Years festivities. --Stephen V Cole

January 8, 2000; On  December 29; Canadian authorities said they could not find Abdelmajed Dajid Dahoumame, the alleged accomplice of the arrested Algerian, Ahmed Ressam. Security was stepped up sharply at Fiumicino (Rome's International Airport) as pilgrims began to arrive for Jubilee 2000. (The Catholic church


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