Terrorism: December 30, 2003


Turkish efforts against local terrorists provided some insight into the terrorists tool kit. Turkish television ran a clip showing terrorist-related material captured by what was described as the Istanbul Counterterrorism Department." A large quantity of RDX (Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine a plastic explosive) was found by the police as well as five AK-type assault rifles, 1,117 rounds of AK ammunition, various pistols, remote-control bomb mechanisms, electric circuits, explosive fuses, and propaganda documents in Arabic. The police also found an unspecified amount of dynamite, fake i.d. cards, hand-held radios, various computers, and cell phones. The only thing missing from this list is money. A bomb attack requires planning (getting intel information), personnel support (eg, fake i.d.s), a safe house or base, (eg., the apartment in which the material was found), and reasonably sophisticated communications. (Austin Bay)


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