Armor: March 21, 2000


: The US Army has placed the Future Combat System (the new tank) at the top of its priority list. The FCS may be armed with CKEM, a compact version of the LOSAT kinetic energy missile. The Army wants CKEM to be as lethal as LOSAT but only 4 feet long and 50 pounds in weight so that an individual soldier can load it. Other items on the Army's priority list for new weapons include: 

@ The Common Missile, a modernized Hellfire that can replace TOW, be fired from existing TOW launchers, and have a range of 12km. It will have a multi-mode seeker with datalinks for mid-course updates.

@ The Loitering Attack Missile may also be carried by the FCS tank. It will have a range of 100km, datalinks back to the launcher, and the ability to kill armored vehicles. As it can loiter over the target area for 30 minutes, it could provide some recon abilities, and a follow-up missile could verify the success of a previous missile before attacking its own target.--Stephen V Cole



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