Submarines Article Archive 2013


Singapore Orders Super Type 218SG BoatsTrying To Measure The Value Of SSNsSon Of Tomahawk Takes It Slow
Klub Wreckage Found In The South China SeaChina Exports For The First TimeChinese Nukes Come Out Of The Shadows
How The Indian Ocean Was LostThe Age Of Privately Owned Subs Is HereChina Keeps Trying
India Seeks Another Russian RentalNot So Impossible After AllRemus Gets It Done
Coping With The Great American SSN ShortageMismanagement Sets Russian Subs AfireRussia Finally Comes To The Rescue
A Better Anti-Sub TorpedoSouth Korea Strives To Be A ContenderIndian Kilo Mysteriously Explodes
Indian SSBN Turns On Its ReactorMiami SunsetChina Is Really, Maybe, Going To Do It This Time
The War Against InvisibilityFatal MiscalculationAmerican SSN Fleet Shrinks
The Chinese Plan To Catch UpChinese Boomers A BustIndia Finds Another Way To Delay
North Korea Builds A Better SharkRussia Relying On RefurbsChina Buys Some New Ideas
Deadly SecretsThe Bigger And Better BoreiChina Once Again Tries To Get Its Boomer On
South Korea Still BlindBack From The DeadMore Noise From China
Too Many TargetsMore Bumps In The NightNew Russian SSBN Finally Enters Service
The Curse Continues



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