Afghanistan: September 5, 2002


 In Kandahar, a bodyguard for the local governor attempted to shoot president Karzai. But Special Forces bodyguards killed the attacker after he had fired three shots (one of them grazing the governor sitting next to Karzai.) Three people were killed by the Special Forces return fire. One was a bystander. The other two were from a southern tribe that are known to be very pro-Taliban. Karzai blamed the attack on al Qaeda and the Taliban. Some 18 men belonging to the governors security force were arrested. 

In Kabul, a large bomb went off in a market, killing at least 26 and wounding over a hundred. This was also blamed on Taliban and al Qaeda forces. It is thought that Islamic fundamentalist warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar might have been involved (even though he is being hunted for older crimes.)