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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
Recoiless mount on a Bradley?Stormhammer 2/14/2022 10:42:12 AM 24854
Pork Chop Hill......all infantry??SgtSkrap 7/8/2021 1:09:19 PM 27515
Slave Trade in Africaboss 1 7/6/2021 10:37:19 AM 14551
What would happen if China decided to invade Siberia and take its resources?pro-military 6/27/2017 8:11:49 AM 710159
Russia has lost the BalticThomas II 6/4/2014 5:49:35 AM 04367
Russia has lost the BalticThomas II 6/4/2014 5:49:05 AM 04277
Russia has lost the BalticThomas II 6/4/2014 5:48:36 AM 04240
Russia has lost the BalticThomas II 6/4/2014 5:47:57 AM 04351
Is China the new Soviet Unionmetalfan182 1/3/2014 12:37:03 AM 3127438
Slave Trade in Africaboss 1 7/23/2013 12:07:06 PM 04297
Slave Trade in Africaboss 1 7/23/2013 12:05:36 PM 04306
Can the west countries help the families of China KMT soldiers, officers?vicdei 4/24/2013 2:26:30 PM 04422
Will we ever care about Africa?EbsBee 3/4/2013 4:16:51 PM 04257
Will we ever care about Africa?EbsBee 3/4/2013 4:16:38 PM 04422
Dissertation Helpslf2 9/4/2012 3:39:12 AM 14691
US,UK,AuS Vs China,North Korea,IRan and RussiaBLUIE006 3/5/2012 1:27:17 PM 1844283
Recoiless mount on a Bradley?Stormhammer 3/3/2012 5:17:00 PM 04313
Wargames for iPad?yojimbo 10/1/2011 12:31:29 PM 26752
New aircraft carrier designEzekiel 5/15/2011 1:47:46 PM 512943
GENERATIONS, STRATEGY'S, BLOCKS AND TACTICS newjarheaddean 2/18/2011 8:51:35 PM 35721
WaterlooAttila1 12/21/2010 12:27:59 PM 29125
Where is the CAVALRY?dynmicpara 12/21/2010 10:36:03 AM 38064
Greatest Generals of the Ancient world....phalanx83 12/18/2010 10:05:57 AM 1332278
Wargames for iPad?yojimbo 12/4/2010 2:25:34 PM 04562
What about the XM307/12?zach 11/25/2010 2:36:01 PM 36979
CIA uses smaller missilestonant 7/1/2010 1:13:01 AM 35903
What would happen if China decided to invade Siberia and take its resources?pro-military 2/13/2010 2:36:03 PM 05305
Great documentary for war buffsSlim Pickinz 12/6/2009 10:31:35 PM 05397
Perpetuating military history myths and WikipediaMHmythbuster 9/5/2009 11:59:31 PM 05815
Perpetuating military history myths and WikipediaMHmythbuster 9/5/2009 11:59:16 PM 05303
wwIIIgrand_master 8/18/2009 4:29:21 AM 1317284
Tucker’s Combat Car (that should have, could have, would have...)Dos 6/18/2009 5:20:19 PM 16131
Tucker’s Combat Car (that should have, could have, would have...)Dos 6/18/2009 11:18:05 AM 05622
Alexander versus Rome2 Eagle 3/4/2009 11:45:06 AM 28447
Battle Command--Free Download.solar22 12/22/2008 4:47:05 PM 05765
Battle Command--Free Download.solar22 12/22/2008 4:46:35 PM 05242
Battle Command--Free Download.solar22 12/22/2008 4:46:18 PM 07213
Terrorists nuke a city, under what conditions would nuclear deterrent be used?econ-nut 12/8/2008 6:53:07 AM 15766
Terrorists nuke a city, under what conditions would nuclear deterrent be used?econ-nut 12/8/2008 6:50:53 AM 05512
Terroists nuke a city, under what conditions would nuclear deterrent be used?econ-nut 12/8/2008 6:47:38 AM 05343
Terroists nuke a city, under what conditions would nuclear deterrent be used?econ-nut 12/8/2008 6:47:17 AM 05318
ShadowForcebrawndogonewrongo 12/5/2008 4:34:22 PM 45655
ShadowForcebrawndogonewrongo 11/26/2008 2:39:53 PM 15453
Did the Advent of Atomic Weapons Trigger A Trend Towards Guerilla Warfare?Ghost175 8/24/2008 9:45:02 PM 78513
Unmanned Ground VehiclesGouez 2/13/2008 10:19:54 AM 05870
Warring States PeriodPlutarch 1/24/2008 10:38:35 PM 05839
Armor: Is perfect the enemy of good enough?Jeff_F_F 11/5/2007 11:03:48 AM 2128624
Defense policy bloglastdingo 7/27/2007 8:18:22 PM 04610
The Media Have Changed War (food for thought)AMTP10F 6/18/2007 1:39:47 PM 86271
The M1117 Guardian in Iraqvince870 6/18/2007 10:32:59 AM 29702
cold fusion bombs and weapnsOzamist 5/24/2007 9:01:01 PM 38276
Do we need more?USMC_ZIGGY 5/24/2007 8:41:05 PM 24191
Stealth SupremecyThud Weasel 5/20/2007 5:18:08 PM 99149
Militaries who hold grand parades... a pattern?KlubMarcus 5/15/2007 10:13:03 PM 55271
ROTC Project: Coverc/PVT Iceman 2/20/2007 12:01:42 AM 24109
Killing vs Wounding - Military Casualty Theorieshighlander999 2/19/2007 8:44:14 PM 79429
On this day of 7th December 2006, do we have a good idea of the US mistakes made in the Pacific War?Herald1234 1/23/2007 3:57:37 PM 279949
Are there any mathematical formalisms in war fighting?jrn44 1/18/2007 9:49:07 AM 85152
US,UK,AuS Vs China,North Korea,IRan and RussiaBLUIE006 12/19/2006 3:52:58 PM 15568
Military CONOPS and Screw UpsMack 8/17/2006 8:43:07 AM 06596
Dangerous WatersUKBoghammer 7/10/2006 8:06:31 PM 26056
Clausewitz?seydlitz89 11/28/2005 11:41:55 AM 46365
The Hotdog Man by a U.S. soldier in Iraqfrostbite 11/10/2005 2:46:48 PM 05396
4th Generation Warfare Scenarios at Brigade or Battalion levelBoon Kee Soh 5/27/2005 11:05:05 PM 05895
What Pompey/Caesar should have done?Disgruntled Taxman 3/13/2005 9:45:12 PM 15793
Blue V. Red Statependell 3/13/2005 9:19:44 PM 16266
The battles of Midway and Guadalcanalyeti992 3/13/2005 8:58:53 PM 17170
Commander of the Khobar Terrorist Squad Tells the Story of the Operationbugmaster 9/14/2004 3:56:04 PM 36093

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