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Canada Discussion Board
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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
Canadian Government Cancells F-35 ProgramGriffin 12/6/2012 9:46:15 PM 01043
CDN. Defence CutbacksGriffin 5/27/2012 9:57:19 PM 0954
will Canada be a super power???persian_kid 11/22/2011 7:29:48 PM 1315441
BRAVO ZULU Stephen Harper Government - Bringing Back RoyalGriffin 8/16/2011 9:50:52 PM 01005
BRAVO ZULU Stephen Harper Government - Bringing Back RoyalGriffin 8/16/2011 9:49:58 PM 01127
Canada joins the USA... and the Canadians win?swami 6/19/2011 2:26:50 PM 8026894
Canada Buys F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike FighterGriffin 9/16/2010 11:44:57 PM 12083
Competition for Light and Medium ArmourGriffin 7/18/2010 6:42:47 PM 01574
Canada Buys F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike FighterGriffin 7/17/2010 12:18:50 AM 01300
Gun Registrybuzzard 5/10/2010 1:27:03 PM 01547
Canadian medical careYelliChink 3/28/2010 4:40:44 PM 01620
Missile over Newfoundland (with a French connection)?Merchant_Of_Menace 1/31/2010 1:49:05 AM 11749
Missile over Newfoundland (with a French connection)?Merchant_Of_Menace 1/31/2010 1:47:04 AM 01557
Former Canadian Chief of Defence Staff Book a Refreshing ReadGriffin 11/4/2009 10:38:15 PM 02017
MLRS for CanadaArtyEngineer 9/10/2009 12:01:17 AM 22353
2 More KIA in AfghanistanGriffin 9/8/2009 10:53:33 PM 01595
Canada Purchasing 15 - CH-47F ChinooksGriffin 8/17/2009 10:29:59 PM 01717
$5-billion in new armoured vehiclesGriffin 8/5/2009 10:54:32 PM 01768
Canadian Gunners continue their great work :)ArtyEngineer 8/4/2009 6:35:56 PM 22022
Another fallen guardian..strat-T21C 6/12/2009 1:50:56 PM 01746
More M777's for CanadaArtyEngineer 6/1/2009 5:15:53 PM 43737
Calgary Imams Issue Fatawa on Taliban Actions in AfghanistanGriffin 5/29/2009 12:54:57 AM 02012
Canadian Ship Fires Warning - Pirates, Seizes Weapons, and Releases Them!Griffin 4/26/2009 2:18:53 PM 72816
It has been brought to my attention....Panther 3/29/2009 3:19:12 AM 02236
It has been brought to my attention....Panther 3/29/2009 3:13:37 AM 02116
Harper's first with Pres. Obahmastrat-T21C 2/20/2009 4:44:09 PM 01874
Harper's first with Pres. Obahmastrat-T21C 2/20/2009 4:43:59 PM 02007
Another KIA # 108Griffin 2/2/2009 12:05:28 AM 02057
Fifteen Days - Book on CDN. fighting and dying in AfghanistanGriffin 1/14/2009 11:44:02 PM 02086
3 More Cdn. KIAGriffin 12/6/2008 11:21:48 PM 02033
Operation Southern Vulture 2 - AfghanistanGriffin 12/2/2008 10:30:44 PM 32764
Cdn. Griffons modified for gunship role Griffin 11/26/2008 11:52:48 PM 02501
Cdn. Griffons modified for gunship role Griffin 11/26/2008 11:52:26 PM 02243
Canadian Numbers in Afghanistan MissionsGriffin 11/22/2008 1:10:03 AM 75365
Amphibious Ops Training in HawaiiArtyEngineer 11/12/2008 11:35:22 PM 32328
How low can they go?Griffin 11/10/2008 11:31:56 PM 02138
How low can they go?Griffin 11/10/2008 11:31:38 PM 02102
Conservatives back with Minority GovernmentGriffin 10/16/2008 12:19:11 AM 01999
Conservatives back with Minority GovernmentGriffin 10/16/2008 12:18:48 AM 01961
Canadian MiG FlightsThe Lizard King 10/13/2008 6:25:47 AM 02344
3 KIA and 5 WIA in Attack on CDN troopsGriffin 9/4/2008 12:28:17 AM 12285
90th Cdn. Soldier Killed in AfghanistanGriffin 8/14/2008 11:04:01 PM 02186
Canucks in ChinooksThe Lizard King 8/7/2008 5:53:02 AM 02728
Canadian model murdered near ShanghaiNanheyangrouchuan 7/8/2008 2:13:46 PM 02559
More Guns for the Canadians.....almost certainly!!!!ArtyEngineer 6/30/2008 9:49:05 PM 12707
VICTORY FOR FREE SPEECH!!! KANGAROO COURTS Drop Case Against Steyn and Macleans!!! swhitebull 6/27/2008 1:51:07 PM 12521
Brave New World Comes to the Great White North - Truly a Sad Dayswhitebull 6/17/2008 12:23:03 AM 33309
Muslim Thought Police Zero in on Columnist Mark Steynswhitebull 6/5/2008 1:31:13 PM 6219536
An Idiot's Guide to Canadian Human Rights Tribunals - Mark Steyn on Trialswhitebull 6/5/2008 1:21:18 PM 02349
Another Reason WhY I Like the Canadiansswhitebull 6/3/2008 2:35:37 PM 02518
Rick Hillier is retiringEhran 4/19/2008 12:46:54 AM 12224
Glory DaysEhran 3/19/2008 1:18:23 PM 12333
oscarsEhran 2/27/2008 2:15:51 PM 52189
Poland to supply 8 Medium Lift Helo's to AfghanistanGriffin 2/16/2008 11:14:07 PM 32328
Mr. Dion and the LiberalsGriffin 2/14/2008 5:28:56 PM 32145
canadian attitude surveyEhran 1/22/2008 11:18:26 AM 83869
2 more goneEhran 1/16/2008 12:34:26 PM 12254
Taliban 0 Cdn. Gurha Afghan allies 41Griffin 12/18/2007 7:05:24 PM 22471
great day to be a canuckEhran 12/12/2007 1:15:20 PM 22654
Military potential of CanadaMaple man 12/3/2007 6:40:42 PM 5320601
vancouver airportbob the brit 11/29/2007 2:24:35 PM 143858
Welcome to the torture clubPanther 11/16/2007 2:18:57 PM 4310220
Why do Canadians join the US military?dirtykraut 10/29/2007 4:47:06 PM 814335
New Canadian Medium Brigade GroupMaple Leaf 10/26/2007 12:54:58 PM 1512223
Canadian Military FundingEhran 10/25/2007 6:08:42 PM 155098
RCHA in A'stanArtyEngineer 10/13/2007 11:38:52 PM 72628
question to canadabob the brit 9/25/2007 2:39:12 PM 63356
lost a vandoo yesterdayEhran 9/1/2007 10:20:01 AM 52772
Will the Stryker MGS go ahead?Griffin 8/27/2007 12:22:36 AM 198864
1st Leopard 2 to AfghanistanGriffin 8/16/2007 11:34:31 PM 03377
now that would have been embarassingEhran 7/27/2007 12:35:29 PM 02648
Hooray for Canada!Nanheyangrouchuan 7/20/2007 4:57:07 PM 32947
Government Re-Opening St. Jean Military CollegeGriffin 7/19/2007 11:04:39 PM 02536
Canada to build new Arctic Patrol VesselsGriffin 7/14/2007 1:36:55 AM 03878
4 wounded yesterday in a bomb attackEhran 7/10/2007 11:19:14 PM 12357
6 more gone in 'stan yesterdayEhran 7/5/2007 1:33:47 PM 02324
us inquiryEhran 7/3/2007 1:41:48 PM 02356
Interesting Video of Cdn. Leopard in AfghanistanGriffin 7/2/2007 12:30:30 AM 02535
3 More Cdn. KIA in AfghanistanGriffin 6/20/2007 10:31:06 PM 12507
Mastercard's 3 best cities in the world to do businessEhran 6/14/2007 12:43:32 PM 02514
China's cencorship plays in CanadaNanheyangrouchuan 6/9/2007 7:35:49 PM 03082
att'n nanEhran 6/8/2007 5:35:33 PM 32787
Chinese defector warns Canada over Beijing's spying Softwar 6/7/2007 4:11:33 PM 03147
True Canadian heroNanheyangrouchuan 6/6/2007 1:03:55 AM 016932
Enemy Use of IED Article by Dr. Jack L. GranatsteinGriffin 5/21/2007 10:13:24 PM 03617
Canada to Receive first C-17III Globemaster in AugustGriffin 5/16/2007 11:20:59 PM 03008
Canada tries to compete with China--movie piracyHerc the Merc 5/9/2007 3:21:56 PM 02962
Thank YouVelocityVector 4/25/2007 2:42:28 PM 02930
100 greatest canadian inventions Ehran 4/25/2007 1:50:04 PM 1715075
Soccer vs Hijab Wars: Muslims Push Rights Issues Everywhere swhitebull 4/19/2007 4:54:48 PM 22993
6 CDN soldiers KIA in Afghanistan mine attackGriffin 4/16/2007 12:45:31 AM 13095
New Leo's for the ArmyGriffin 4/8/2007 12:46:43 AM 23399
A bit of appreciationEhran 3/22/2007 12:55:44 AM 33310
CCS21 Commentary on March 19, 2007 Defence FundingGriffin 3/21/2007 11:50:50 PM 02655
More Intifada - Swimming Pool Jihadistsswhitebull 3/9/2007 11:05:21 AM 02503
Whose War Is It? It is worth the read.Griffin 3/3/2007 1:58:32 PM 12746
Canada and Australia Agreement on Military ReservistsGriffin 3/3/2007 1:56:53 PM 02816
General Rick Hillier, Canadian Chief of the Defence Staff InterviewGriffin 3/3/2007 1:55:40 AM 12816
4 C17's Ehran 2/11/2007 12:46:05 AM 53111
Should our Prime Minister be perfectly bilingual, stronger in French or stronger in English?Maple man 2/3/2007 10:08:41 PM 23213
Canadian Artillery in AfghanistanArtyMan 1/26/2007 3:29:55 PM 03111
Canadian Militarycrimsonraine 1/24/2007 1:48:08 PM 13385
World Jr Tourney started todayEhran 1/4/2007 12:19:28 PM 22599
New Operation in Panjwaii DistrictGriffin 12/23/2006 1:00:15 AM 22983
This article must be joking?!? Micro-chipped implants forced upon unwilling participants?Panther 12/16/2006 2:43:18 AM 23383
2 more died yesterdayEhran 12/15/2006 12:52:44 PM 103588
Canada Losing its prestige.... Thanks Harper!TopGun 12/15/2006 6:11:59 AM 73582
Quebecois a nation?HoundOfHello 12/7/2006 2:54:25 PM 175645
harper's latestEhran 11/23/2006 2:10:55 PM 02767
Canadian and Oz defence spendingDropBear 11/13/2006 4:10:41 PM 198641
Powerful Video - Brothers In Arms Canadian ArmyGriffin 11/11/2006 7:10:49 PM 53503
Bank of Nova ScotiaEhran 11/9/2006 6:14:58 PM 23269
Al-Qaeda renews threats to Canada over AfghanistanGriffin 11/3/2006 1:22:29 AM 93549
Canadian soldiers vs the Taliban's newest defensereefdiver 10/13/2006 2:40:34 PM 23659
USS Gunston HallBFD15 10/12/2006 1:00:18 PM 43892
More KIAGriffin 10/11/2006 11:03:01 PM 22943
Leopard C2 Being Deployed to AfghanistanGriffin 10/11/2006 10:59:36 PM 118184
Pre-eminent Canadian Military Historian lambasts Jack Layton and the NDPGriffin 10/11/2006 10:50:38 PM 03938
Adrienne Clarkson bashed the Queenyakeepi 10/4/2006 9:10:15 PM 13143
Jane's - Problems with lack of replacement aircraftGriffin 10/3/2006 11:10:33 PM 23211
Montreal shootingyakeepi 10/3/2006 1:55:38 AM 114878
Musharraf defends war effort, downplays Canadian lossesGriffin 9/27/2006 1:20:17 AM 12922
Afghan Pres. Visits Canada - Thanks and Please StayGriffin 9/23/2006 6:16:39 PM 33024
4 KIA and 10 WIA on attack on Cdn. patrol and childrenGriffin 9/22/2006 2:00:14 PM 23016
A funny story on a Canadian nuclear booboo-and Indias first bombHerc the Merc 9/14/2006 2:42:00 PM 23856
Operation Medusa led by Cdn. Troops has begunGriffin 9/14/2006 2:27:41 PM 197262
Jack Layton and the NDP FolliesGriffin 9/13/2006 10:28:33 PM 53222
Canadian border security questionChrisWI 9/9/2006 7:41:55 PM 13305
misbehavior at the Canadian consulate in ShanghaiNanheyangrouchuan 9/3/2006 6:26:22 PM 149302
Leopard at CNEGriffin 8/27/2006 7:57:26 PM 03035
Billions more needed - Cdn. Air Force GeneralGriffin 8/26/2006 1:28:37 AM 03110
Yet AgainEhran 8/23/2006 10:21:21 PM 12899
What if Canada had 200 million people???wrathofachilles 8/23/2006 4:04:15 PM 125351
Cdn. & Afghan Soldiers Kill Scores of Taliban in Fighting this weekendGriffin 8/20/2006 11:13:23 PM 22903
Videos - Intense fighting in Afghanistan...omega888 8/19/2006 12:02:13 AM 39871
Cdn. Soldier killed in Traffic Accident, 3 injured in KandaharGriffin 8/5/2006 10:21:44 PM 02915
interesting piece in the wash post today about perceived media biasEhran 8/4/2006 1:27:42 PM 23247
4 Cdn. Soldiers KIA, 10 WIAGriffin 8/4/2006 1:17:25 PM 23057
Interesting tidbits from AfghanistanGriffin 7/24/2006 11:04:48 PM 03216
America Hates CanadaS-2 7/24/2006 10:27:38 AM 47227
New Senate Defence ReportGriffin 7/23/2006 7:45:34 PM 02897
recent near missEhran 7/21/2006 3:41:09 AM 22958
SAR Helo Crash Kills 3, 4 Injured - 2 SeriousGriffin 7/13/2006 10:29:12 PM 03174
Another hero fallsGriffin 7/12/2006 10:42:18 PM 52995
N. Korean Missile Launches - What impact on CDN involvment in Missile Defence?Griffin 7/12/2006 10:38:06 PM 33021
For canada: Let your soldiers know you care!Panther 7/6/2006 2:39:23 AM 22958
Imbedded Reporter with Canadian Troops in AfghanistanGriffin 7/5/2006 11:33:26 PM 03113
Cdn. Air Force to Get New Strategic and Tactical AircraftGriffin 7/2/2006 10:17:39 PM 23123
CDN. Army to get new trucksGriffin 7/2/2006 10:15:10 PM 23455
Cdn. Air Force to buy $4.7-billion CDN. in Heavy Lift Helo'sGriffin 7/2/2006 7:01:08 AM 33310
Why is Canada so against Missile Defense / Missile Shield?The Lizard King 7/2/2006 6:53:21 AM 13265
2 CDN Soldiers WIA in Rocket Attack, one seriouslyGriffin 7/2/2006 6:49:50 AM 13054
Effects of conservative government upon the canadian military?Panther 7/1/2006 10:38:11 PM 33063
Plz Kill more baby seals.....RaptorZ 7/1/2006 5:10:41 PM 12807
Conservatives To Implement Liberal JSS ProjectGriffin 6/28/2006 12:18:56 AM 03070
Firefight in Panjwai, AfghanistanGriffin 6/13/2006 12:26:53 AM 04779
latest from 'stanEhran 6/11/2006 3:34:25 PM 114616
Getting Strategic Heavy Airlift TransportsGriffin 6/9/2006 3:36:04 PM 94806
Bravo, CSISdisplacedjim 6/6/2006 3:54:46 PM 42954
new harvard medical studyEhran 6/5/2006 2:26:26 PM 33105
New BudgetEhran 6/5/2006 2:20:34 PM 266518
The St Laurent ConcordatGriffin 5/31/2006 11:49:37 PM 03404
Caught a break maybeEhran 5/20/2006 5:22:31 PM 02851
Canadian PM Draws Similarities between Nazi's and Iran GovernmentGriffin 5/20/2006 12:41:38 AM 03387
17th Canadian Killed in AfghanistaGriffin 5/18/2006 11:55:24 PM 33106
Acquiring new Heavy and Medium Lift HelicoptersGriffin 5/16/2006 6:30:47 PM 178991
Currency SpeculationEhran 5/16/2006 6:28:56 PM 63817
2 Cdn. Soldiers WIA in IED AttackGriffin 5/16/2006 12:57:54 PM 13084
Least no one got hurt this timeEhran 5/15/2006 9:57:38 PM 13035
ID cards for crossing the borderEhran 5/15/2006 8:09:41 PM 3110070
Taliban Rocket Attack on Kandahar BaseGriffin 5/13/2006 11:16:11 PM 03879
The Flag FlapGriffin 5/5/2006 10:46:56 PM 83430
Canadians kill another 15-20 TalibanGriffin 5/2/2006 12:28:50 AM 53140
Lumber AgreementEhran 4/28/2006 7:50:45 PM 12954
Too FunnyEhran 4/28/2006 1:48:06 PM 53472
4 Cdn. Soldiers Killed in I.E.D. Attack in AfghanistanGriffin 4/28/2006 1:24:29 PM 83674
Cdn. giving the Taliban another thrashing Griffin 4/17/2006 11:10:10 PM 53619
Taliban KIA in Cdn. firefight increasedGriffin 4/17/2006 7:53:49 PM 103978
The PatriciasGriffin 4/17/2006 3:30:01 AM 13214
Welcome back CanadaAdvanceAustralia 4/16/2006 9:04:14 PM 33832
Question for Ehran?The Lizard King 4/13/2006 2:03:51 PM 83469
friendly fireEhran 4/6/2006 2:55:37 PM 23224
Yet another lumber panel goes our wayEhran 3/31/2006 4:10:12 PM 6713791
Bush Optimistic on Canada Trade DisputeThe Lizard King 3/31/2006 3:19:12 PM 43397
PM HarperBFD15 3/30/2006 12:52:47 PM 83548
Get your copy of Senate Report on DefenceGriffin 3/30/2006 12:47:29 PM 13320
Finally fruits of a conservative govermentJungle-Man 3/30/2006 12:44:47 AM 13272
Canada & US CurrencyThe Lizard King 3/29/2006 2:25:33 PM 63777
What bothers a crazy american aboot Canada, eh?eldnah 3/14/2006 2:50:03 PM 43684
Cdn. Army Reservist LT. seriously injured in axe and grenade attackGriffin 3/14/2006 1:21:05 PM 83505
Cdn. move out in force into Kandahar Province countrysideGriffin 3/12/2006 5:47:22 PM 23210
CDS gets a feel for what's going onGriffin 3/10/2006 10:30:42 PM 03478
Canadian Hockey Team ChokesThe Lizard King 3/10/2006 2:44:06 AM 145311
CDN killed in LAVIII Accident in KandaharGriffin 3/5/2006 6:06:03 PM 13351
KandaharEhran 3/2/2006 1:54:32 PM 4320101
Tim Horton's in KhandaharGriffin 2/24/2006 7:48:37 PM 13727
JokeEhran 2/23/2006 1:52:33 PM 03211
CDS slams LiberalsGriffin 2/16/2006 12:46:46 PM 33322
More minor injuries in KandaharEhran 2/16/2006 12:45:05 PM 33199
New LIberal MP - anyone now more about him? Sounds like a real winner. swhitebull 2/4/2006 4:48:41 PM 63383
Canadian Navy donates diving attraction to DenamrkTheArmchairCmd 2/3/2006 11:37:08 PM 34017
Canadians taking over Khandahar ProvinceGriffin 2/1/2006 12:01:32 AM 03482
New Canadian PM rebuffs US envoyTheArmchairCmd 1/29/2006 10:44:52 PM 145893
New Canadian Defence Book - Free on InternetGriffin 1/28/2006 1:21:25 PM 155835
Elections results?Panther 1/26/2006 1:08:17 PM 63272
Hey Canada, nice Gov't you have there.The Lizard King 1/25/2006 5:31:03 PM 13427
Results of Conservates Emerging in Canadian Gov'tThe Lizard King 1/24/2006 5:12:43 PM 13224
Deadly Attack on Canadians in Khandahar, AfghanistanGriffin 1/22/2006 5:09:54 PM 33890
anti-christian activities of canucksEhran 1/9/2006 12:20:19 PM 03096
World Jr'sEhran 1/2/2006 5:31:33 PM 03095
Eric Margolis - Does he carry any weight in Canada?PeregrinePike 12/28/2005 6:23:37 AM 84154
Tsunami ReliefEhran 12/27/2005 3:56:54 PM 02967
HaitiEhran 12/24/2005 4:27:50 PM 03000
Canadian Sporting DominanceEhran 12/23/2005 2:31:41 PM 63500
Harper backpedalling Ehran 12/14/2005 9:00:15 PM 13387
Kinda niftyEhran 12/5/2005 6:59:35 PM 93745
What will happen if Canada tries to annex Hans ØThomas 11/11/2005 7:07:52 AM 5313241
insurance studyEhran 11/10/2005 12:03:07 PM 02975
(no subject)BFD15 11/2/2005 9:39:00 PM 329715
recent polling resultsEhran 11/2/2005 9:35:25 PM 257025
Canada Board post # 1000 claimed by Denmark!TheArmchairCmd 11/2/2005 7:11:14 AM 33507
AstronomyEhran 10/31/2005 1:09:53 PM 03017
Stumpage FeesThe Lizard King 10/28/2005 1:44:53 PM 25410
THANK YOU CANADIANS FOR HELPING IN NEW ORLEANShappy2004 10/28/2005 9:20:23 AM 53722
RCMPilaandty 10/17/2005 3:52:59 PM 14463
How many Canadian's are here ?Canadian Grunt 10/16/2005 3:16:52 PM 3210120
WORKPLACE MOBBING / GANG STALKING / CANADAgerryduffett 10/15/2005 8:29:14 PM 04941
US Ambassador and hand gun speechEhran 9/29/2005 4:29:19 PM 125602
New inhabitation date for north americaEhran 9/20/2005 10:01:53 AM 34046
reading habbits.Ehran 9/19/2005 10:33:19 AM 95933
Shariah LawPunjabiSikhWarrior 9/14/2005 12:03:35 PM 13264
Canada media vs. US mediagcw1995 8/19/2005 9:32:14 AM 8818394
CAFTA & NAFTAThe Lizard King 8/18/2005 2:08:59 PM 34234
Canadian Sporting and Musical Supremacy Ehran 8/14/2005 12:09:02 PM 03605
RIP SmokeyEhran 8/5/2005 12:25:28 PM 03006
Canadian Viewpoint?Panther 7/30/2005 4:08:36 PM 197521
the federal judge in montana and the appeal court rulingEhran 7/26/2005 1:50:58 PM 03166
Imam warns Ottawa to back off MuslimsJIMF 7/26/2005 1:15:26 PM 33315
Ehran, new shoot in NevadaBigbro 7/18/2005 12:25:46 AM 13168
Class MobilityEhran 7/9/2005 7:22:18 PM 53691
To All Canadians AlbanyRifles 7/1/2005 10:13:55 PM 13318
What would happen if France tried to annex Montreal?The Lizard King 6/30/2005 1:18:48 PM 13505
How do most Canadians feel of American character?gcw1995 6/29/2005 9:14:33 AM 45500
WHAT IF: Armed forces of Quebec1stcavman 6/28/2005 11:08:04 PM 74374
Canadian Agricultural Policies - Still a fair way to gotjkhan 6/27/2005 1:17:36 AM 125176
Our Northern NeighborF22 6/21/2005 2:37:06 PM 239846
Vancouver.gcw1995 6/16/2005 6:45:02 AM 43403
DoughnutsEhran 6/14/2005 2:26:47 PM 166736
Canadian army restructuring??interestedamateur 6/9/2005 2:38:08 PM 74143
Ready for more Peacekeeping etcEhran 5/20/2005 12:44:00 PM 03174
Canadian War Museum - Insulting?CDR Salamander 5/12/2005 1:25:20 PM 13780
Denmark was liberated 60 years ago - yesterday.Thomas 5/6/2005 2:18:29 PM 13478
A new btnEhran 5/5/2005 12:58:12 PM 03418
Best Cities to live inEhran 4/22/2005 12:53:31 PM 811580
Walkie talkiesEhran 4/17/2005 3:29:20 PM 14634
Canada Bashingppaul 4/16/2005 4:29:35 PM 5719825
english-frenchsouthern cross 4/15/2005 8:49:19 AM 197421
MmmmmMmmmmmphblacksmith 4/5/2005 12:10:03 PM 13218
Canadian Armed Forces UnificationF22 3/8/2005 12:31:28 PM 14381
Big Brother?PlatypusMaximus 3/7/2005 10:33:01 PM 03725
Military in new budget?bunglefoot 3/4/2005 2:31:11 PM 125286
IIHF tournament triviaEhran 2/22/2005 12:28:20 PM 74314
Quebec secessionblacksmith 2/14/2005 1:13:13 PM 2811778
Threadbunglefoot 1/31/2005 10:40:52 PM 03268
Is Canada waking up?CDR Salamander 12/16/2004 9:26:44 AM 03532
New canadian militarybunglefoot 12/11/2004 9:46:36 PM 116607
Legalizing marijuana. -Economic strategybunglefoot 12/2/2004 9:36:07 PM 47851
Voodoo ponderingsDropBear 11/23/2004 12:02:03 AM 115395
JokeAussiegunner 11/3/2004 12:28:39 AM 03993
Canada vs OzDropBear 10/28/2004 10:34:04 PM 74768
hope the HMCS Chicoutimi makes it back ok (NT)IronSeeker 10/7/2004 3:03:23 PM 03329
Our military is trained to a higher standard than US?GOP 10/3/2004 4:26:59 PM 4010211
Canada’s military futureM4A3E2(76)W 9/28/2004 12:50:03 PM 2213622
Our Military makes me sadGreg 9/14/2004 8:56:19 PM 4817229
CanadaVeritas 7/15/2004 9:01:52 PM 84768
canada's governementchinese boy 7/10/2004 8:59:36 PM 03371
Election ramifications - open questionbunglefoot 6/30/2004 7:16:04 PM 33601
ElectionGuinness 6/7/2004 3:18:14 PM 23416
Dalai-Lama : Chinabunglefoot 4/19/2004 9:09:24 PM 03600
CF Afghanistan but unarmed?Greg 4/5/2004 9:01:24 PM 14274
France vs CanadaSGTObvious 3/12/2004 7:04:54 PM 178854
Another Nail in the Coffin for Canada's MilitaryDragonReborn 3/1/2004 11:50:19 AM 54560 2/28/2004 7:07:08 PM 279805
Canadian Border Gaurds! i.e. - Great catch guys/girls!!Panther 2/28/2004 6:33:53 PM 34122
Canada should ban VISA's to middle east, like the USAsikhwarrior 2/16/2004 7:30:04 PM 24110
How serious is the Quebec/French Secessionist Movement?fall out 2/8/2004 7:48:19 PM 55195
Chretien leavingCanadian 1/13/2004 10:35:59 AM 44132
Fixing Canada's militarybunglefoot 1/6/2004 2:41:46 PM 86878
We already have a joint US-Canada serviceSGTObvious 12/24/2003 9:48:19 AM 03746
Joint Miltary between Canadia and USA?InFuSeR 12/23/2003 8:41:48 PM 24193
Shocking! Stunning!cowboy caesar 12/10/2003 10:55:10 PM 02923
Did anybody hear about the boy who ....ChrisWI 12/5/2003 12:00:03 AM 54083
TO our canadian friends, a warning of terrorismswhitebull 10/25/2003 3:12:49 PM 13719
Hey, Great Canadian! (and any others)...AlbanyRifles 10/24/2003 7:26:58 AM 44156
Communist Party of Canada? give me a break...CCCP 10/15/2003 7:15:26 PM 54392
immigreation to canada.AZEEMJAAN 9/22/2003 12:33:48 PM 34884
RCMP/GRC questionChrisWI 9/2/2003 2:48:07 PM 410420
he heh hehbdawgc 9/2/2003 2:17:33 PM 23842
A question for our Canadian FriendsSGTObvious 8/26/2003 2:13:35 PM 33826
laws concerning keeping guns in rural areasSherrie 8/26/2003 11:25:43 AM 03980
US Bans Canadian Beef!11b10 8/16/2003 11:45:08 AM 74210
Canadian Objectivity ?appleciderus 6/29/2003 9:00:21 PM 03417
What does it take to move Canada?SGTObvious 6/24/2003 4:19:00 PM 34642
Politicians for the CAFGreg 5/4/2003 1:40:08 PM 13507
Where's Britain/Australia???CanadianBaron 11/24/2002 10:22:18 AM 45054
Panzer General/Strategic General : PGCOS a free game for downloadBaron Von Beedy 7/16/2002 3:53:05 PM 036855
Canada's military join the U.S militaryTy 5/4/2002 3:17:00 AM 179975

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