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Australia Discussion Board
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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
cars we have owned.gf0012-aust 12/25/2022 4:06:18 AM 8533406
Why did Australia choose the M-1 Abrams over the other contenders.Volkodav 1/27/2017 1:35:17 AM 2415368
Australian gun laws, good, bad, or misdirected?Volkodav 3/22/2014 9:45:11 PM 3511028
Tigers in Libyadazedandconfused 9/6/2012 1:48:14 AM 11639
Coalition Defence PolicyKirkzzy 4/7/2012 6:01:25 PM 61254
Dropbear alertgf0012-aust 9/26/2011 4:22:03 AM 01213
Question re Strike Recon Group and the F-18F'sAussiegunneragain 7/21/2011 10:44:21 PM 01143
Festival of AngusAussiegunneragain 6/23/2011 10:54:58 PM 01305
Festival of AngusAussiegunneragain 6/23/2011 10:45:40 PM 01213
Check this outAussiegunneragain 6/23/2011 10:35:11 PM 01286
Question for Ozziesearlm 6/23/2011 10:30:50 PM 32020
Would it be feasible to mechanise 7th brigade?Kirkzzy 6/21/2011 9:44:36 AM 21985
Latest Defence Budget and Collins Replacement AlternativesKirkzzy 6/4/2011 5:00:56 AM 268117
Should we abolish the RAAF combat fleet??DropBear 5/29/2011 4:11:46 PM 9417338
ADF salary to be taxed starting 1st, July 2011YelliChink 5/25/2011 5:03:37 AM 32622
Muslim group wants sharia in AustraliaYelliChink 5/17/2011 10:17:16 AM 01440
One good bit of newsAussiegunneragain 5/14/2011 9:26:12 PM 32094
Lisa Blue put Hindu Goddess on swimsuitYelliChink 5/14/2011 12:05:40 AM 124625
ROCN's plan to build twin-hull corvettes.YelliChink 5/1/2011 11:05:18 PM 277692
ANZAC Daygf0012-aust 4/25/2011 9:33:19 PM 31937
Misinformed Anti-War sitesKirkzzy 4/20/2011 4:36:22 AM 22017
Air force eyes 18 more Super Hornets as delays dog our new fighter Aussiegunneragain 4/17/2011 1:00:28 AM 94167
Feminist nonsense hit Australian militaryYelliChink 4/14/2011 5:29:47 AM 103074
Commando RegimentsKirkzzy 4/12/2011 7:11:54 PM 62656
all soldiers - please readkerravon 3/26/2011 12:31:36 AM 01655
sorrykerravon 3/24/2011 11:17:12 AM 01512
australian diggers need civilian protectionkerravon 3/24/2011 10:57:18 AM 01561
Reasoning behind MRH-90 ?Kirkzzy 3/15/2011 2:55:56 PM 2411116
Another C-17?DropBear 3/9/2011 4:59:37 PM 53449
New Zealand hit by earthquake heraldabc 2/26/2011 2:49:46 AM 176260
Super Hornet export videoDropBear 2/11/2011 8:06:03 PM 01708
Latest Kopp CrapAussiegunneragain 2/7/2011 8:21:41 PM 4623626
New Defence CutsKirkzzy 2/5/2011 1:25:04 AM 115505
2nd Victoria Cross for SASRDropBear 1/25/2011 5:58:55 PM 73317
RAN to buy RN ships?DropBear 1/21/2011 2:57:20 AM 207977
ADBR (Dec 2010) suggests a scaled back Land 17 acquisition opens up a space for C-27J gunships. BLUIE006 1/10/2011 6:03:28 AM 23282
How do Australians really feel about Carlo KoppYelliChink 1/5/2011 6:41:59 AM 64708
Wikileaks and Julian Assange: The moral dilemmasmitty237 1/2/2011 3:12:55 AM 3213898
How do Australians really feel about Julian Assange?Panther 12/22/2010 12:00:09 AM 6013032
Apache vs TigerYelliChink 12/19/2010 6:08:42 AM 1211649
Non aviation video Fascinating tilt-and-shift technologyDropBear 12/14/2010 6:39:27 AM 32058
ANZAC ASMD and CEAFARVGNTMH 12/12/2010 11:02:42 PM 3619167
Navy Magazine Special Edition - worth a lookAussiegunneragain 12/12/2010 10:06:31 PM 329625
Discussion: the folly of the naval missile age?thruster 12/12/2010 1:08:57 AM 92814
Final Public Flyover of the Mighty PigDropBear 12/5/2010 5:46:18 AM 63054
Patria AMV for LAND 400?Volkodav 11/30/2010 12:45:28 AM 58428
Waterfront warrior John Coombs sails against windVolkodav 11/28/2010 5:42:03 AM 33067
Harmonious Ocean - Future direction of Sino-American relations from an Oz perspectivefall out 11/27/2010 10:41:08 PM 125963
Discussion: the folly of the naval missile agethruster 11/23/2010 1:44:10 AM 01544
Discussion: the folly of the naval missile agethruster 11/22/2010 11:52:22 PM 01279
Discussion: the folly of the naval missile agethruster 11/22/2010 11:51:44 PM 01326
If LAND 400 goes all wheeled where to for 1 Armoured Regt?Volkodav 11/16/2010 6:27:29 AM 2114320
Dibb, Dribble, Dibb, Dribble, Dibb, DibbAussiegunneragain 11/13/2010 7:46:00 PM 52463
Sealift ShipAussiegunneragain 11/10/2010 8:17:08 AM 206208
HMS Queen Elizabeth for the RANVolkodav 11/7/2010 5:01:46 PM 268938
New Light Fleet Carriers for the RANVolkodav 11/6/2010 7:17:13 AM 2826687
AWD construction bungleYelliChink 11/5/2010 4:50:49 PM 01574
Push to axe Collins subs now, buy EuropeanAussiegunneragain 10/26/2010 3:19:02 PM 7719287
Right on cue ...Aussiegunneragain 10/25/2010 11:34:56 PM 42054
AUSTRALIAN special forces troops were left for deadBLUIE006 10/25/2010 5:42:14 PM 53007
Innovation saving our soldiers' livesVolkodav 10/22/2010 8:25:06 PM 12121
New radar allows 'channels of fire' Volkodav 10/22/2010 6:23:22 PM 02260
US team achieves breakthrough with AESA radarAMTP10E 10/11/2010 10:02:59 PM 55009
Stephen Smith for DefenceAussiegunneragain 10/11/2010 4:24:51 AM 9720183
Use of Force and core problemstay_bell 10/11/2010 3:41:34 AM 21700
Status updateDropBear 10/10/2010 9:53:36 AM 71903
Exercise HamelAussiegunneragain 9/28/2010 7:54:40 PM 14985
Howard-Bush defence treaty passes hurdlegf0012-aust 9/21/2010 9:40:54 PM 01495
Taliban enemy must be destroyed: ex-general Volkodav 9/18/2010 4:15:23 PM 42396
A new Pacific triangle looms Volkodav 9/18/2010 12:19:01 AM 01622
Super Hornets will put RAAF back on the regional front foot Volkodav 9/18/2010 12:08:23 AM 01713
Toy guns will have to be licensed in Queensland under new firearms laws YelliChink 9/5/2010 7:24:54 PM 01510
New generation Hornets deliver deadly stingVolkodav 8/31/2010 8:57:37 AM 01649
Defence Forces banned from wearing berets Volkodav 8/26/2010 6:28:45 AM 73478
What now for defence with JG as PM?Volkodav 8/22/2010 9:03:53 AM 52776
What is the coalitions defence policy?Volkodav 8/20/2010 11:04:09 AM 82520
Good deed for the day.beepa 8/14/2010 12:13:01 AM 01743
The next Liberal leader? Aussiegunneragain 8/8/2010 6:42:58 PM 358699
Will the F-88 Steyr be our last service rifle?Volkodav 7/12/2010 3:47:15 AM 105965
Bumbles - Brizzy/Gold CoastVelocityVector 7/11/2010 10:03:42 AM 306325
Super Hornet flyoverdazedandconfused 7/7/2010 7:31:34 PM 12238
Toodle Pip for nowAussiegunneragain 7/2/2010 4:17:10 PM 155009
Collins Class availabilityVolkodav 6/29/2010 9:14:14 AM 01774
What if..the US loaned an Essex call CV to the RAN in 1951?Volkodav 6/29/2010 8:25:20 AM 22609
JSF Overviewgf0012-aust 6/24/2010 6:43:40 AM 135266
Australia, Indonesia and ObamaAussiegunneragain 6/23/2010 3:31:29 AM 206768
Afghanistan Newsgf0012-aust 6/15/2010 1:15:04 AM 11879
Time to double the AWD orderVolkodav 6/11/2010 4:32:21 AM 229539
another 1st for Australia: amateur astronomer captures new Jupiter impactdoggtag 6/6/2010 9:47:20 AM 42899
Small tankersVolkodav 6/1/2010 7:45:49 AM 83089
Defence bungles $400m torpedo project Volkodav 5/30/2010 2:11:19 AM 247268
Facebook page for ADF Slang - Very FunnyAussiegunneragain 5/26/2010 8:23:02 AM 02110
Lets design a 1960s maritime bomber for AustraliaAussiegunneragain 5/23/2010 9:53:42 AM 4111087
Was the F-111 the wrong aircraft for Australia?Volkodav 5/23/2010 9:47:12 AM 158608
What a whacky election it will be Aussiegunneragain 5/23/2010 9:38:43 AM 92893
Strategic Implications of Australian Population PolicyAussiegunneragain 5/23/2010 9:22:27 AM 165736
Australia was offered a barter deal for a new build InvincibleVolkodav 5/15/2010 10:55:50 AM 12881
gf0012-austAussiegunneragain 5/15/2010 12:33:53 AM 82589
Nick Minchin: smoke more and die.YelliChink 5/4/2010 7:01:38 PM 01712
Come clean on navy, Faulkner urges ChinaVolkodav 4/29/2010 4:22:16 AM 01903
Hypothetical: The RAAF is not formed until after WWIIVolkodav 4/20/2010 9:26:25 AM 22140
Microsoft accused of 52c-an-hour 'slaves' Volkodav 4/15/2010 6:55:05 AM 01706
How to defuse population bomb (interesting concept on the states)Volkodav 4/12/2010 7:23:41 PM 32251
US Health CareBarracuda 4/10/2010 12:19:47 PM 52432
New F/A-18F Super Hornet jets put us on war footing Volkodav 4/6/2010 9:56:15 PM 83904
US Health CareBarracuda 4/3/2010 10:07:23 AM 01434
US Health CareBarracuda 4/3/2010 10:07:15 AM 01459
Has the RAN exercised with the RSN's Formidable Class frigates?Volkodav 3/27/2010 7:49:52 AM 02166
What a whacky election it will be Aussiegunneragain 3/26/2010 11:06:47 PM 01697
Japan lodges 'stern' complaint with New Zealand over Sea Shepherd's anti-whaling activitiesVolkodav 3/22/2010 4:32:11 PM 4713630
Hypersonic plane passes latest testgf0012-aust 3/22/2010 4:15:28 AM 01844
Australia worst in defence spendVolkodav 3/21/2010 3:58:41 AM 43005
Does the RAAF really need 100 top end combat aircraft?Volkodav 3/21/2010 3:48:32 AM 145195
Hypothetical: The Communists rather than the military take over Indonesia in 1967Volkodav 3/18/2010 7:49:03 AM 01778
Hypothetical: the transfer of HMS Invincible to Australia went throughVolkodav 3/18/2010 7:29:52 AM 198450
Australia Launches Scramjet Consortiumgf0012-aust 3/12/2010 3:35:18 PM 12334
Caspian relic - take 2DropBear 3/7/2010 7:20:02 PM 42248
Caspian Sea Monster - some picsDropBear 3/6/2010 1:19:58 AM 01844
Iron colonels fight the invisible hand Volkodav 3/5/2010 8:56:49 AM 154628
Australia's shrinking air forceVolkodav 3/2/2010 4:48:33 AM 103080
Fighter Squadron LocationsAussiegunneragain 3/1/2010 10:08:52 AM 124704
Fraser v Howard: the inside struggle ;) just for you AGVolkodav 2/26/2010 3:12:06 AM 62383
Could a variant of the P-8 replace some of our HUG Bugs?Volkodav 2/25/2010 6:03:54 PM 52967
Scientists warned defence department against Joint Strike FighterVolkodav 2/25/2010 2:02:44 PM 72532
A-10C Thunderbolt for 4 Sqn?Volkodav 2/24/2010 7:31:47 AM 278122
Internet censorship plan (of Australia) gets the green lightYelliChink 2/23/2010 4:53:13 AM 32951
Alternate Post WWII RAN: CarriersVolkodav 2/21/2010 6:17:26 AM 7221712
Predictions for the lead up to the federal election? Aussiegunneragain 2/21/2010 12:50:37 AM 52554
Australian gun questionYelliChink 2/17/2010 3:05:10 AM 11911
Australia to pay more for fighter jets, US government saysVolkodav 2/15/2010 5:01:49 AM 01894
Full body scanners for Aussie airportsBLUIE006 2/15/2010 1:48:54 AM 21875
Is 2 x 4 better than 3 x 3???Robbo 2/8/2010 7:08:04 AM 5713409
Is Afghanistan serving as a sort of global bug zapper?Volkodav 2/5/2010 8:53:40 PM 144406
Remove biblical messages from gunsights, Defence Minister tells forcesVolkodav 2/4/2010 2:39:53 AM 103980
RAAF Shornetsgf0012-aust 1/29/2010 11:47:44 PM 10930223
Weekend warriors facing front line in AfghanistanVolkodav 1/26/2010 10:34:12 PM 72949
Happy Straya Day all! Aussiegunneragain 1/26/2010 6:06:35 AM 01725
Australia looked at ordering a CVA-01 to replace MelbourneVolkodav 1/24/2010 6:40:26 AM 169148
Hugo, if you are around you should like this :-)Aussiegunneragain 1/13/2010 6:16:26 AM 01926
Australian Defence Industry ProtectionismAussiegunneragain 1/11/2010 4:45:52 AM 92903
Australia takes 2nd place in the Quality of Life Index 2010 Aussiegunneragain 1/9/2010 3:43:00 PM 64457
New GunsAussiegunneragain 1/6/2010 4:24:18 AM 5419062
Navy failures blamed for gassing of four sailors on Armidale patrol boatsVolkodav 1/3/2010 9:04:10 PM 85166
How the mighty have fallen - Rusty Russian TyphoonsDropBear 1/2/2010 5:14:00 PM 102873
The world is suck an unfair placeYelliChink 12/29/2009 9:15:30 PM 42505
Jaguar for AustraliaVolkodav 12/28/2009 6:57:42 AM 3411805
dropbear alertgf0012-aust 12/28/2009 2:53:26 AM 21926
Child Flight to acquire BA609 TiltrotorsVolkodav 12/28/2009 1:56:04 AM 32653
25pc of Aussies descended from royaltygf0012-aust 12/26/2009 10:35:19 AM 72964
Happy HolidaysBLUIE006 12/24/2009 12:23:25 AM 21709
Happy HolidaysBLUIE006 12/23/2009 11:41:17 PM 01674
Defence to buy equipment off the shelf - Oh dearVolkodav 12/22/2009 5:29:07 AM 319118
New Identity for a new DecadeBLUIE006 12/20/2009 12:52:40 AM 22393
New Identity for a new DecadeBLUIE006 12/19/2009 9:46:08 PM 01638
What on earth are the Liberals doing?Volkodav 12/15/2009 4:04:13 AM 5912757
This Rocks!Aussiegunneragain 12/14/2009 4:48:40 AM 12025
Should the real Liberals split from the Conservatives? Aussiegunneragain 12/13/2009 5:40:44 AM 123722
Kevin Rudd signs off on purchase of 14 F-35 joint strike fightersVolkodav 12/7/2009 4:37:11 PM 195966
End of an eraDropBear 12/1/2009 4:05:21 AM 124495
Calibre issues raised by NATO forces in AfghanistanVolkodav 11/29/2009 7:02:55 AM 12390
Biggest Croc award goes to the African speciesLe Zookeeper 11/28/2009 10:26:32 PM 92781
New Multi-Role Helicopter (MRH-90) Display - Blamey Sq - 27 Nov 09 gf0012-aust 11/26/2009 2:38:13 AM 02222
Obama: What does his ascendency mean for Australia?Aussiegunneragain 11/25/2009 11:01:35 AM 84129
ASC welcomes new CEOVolkodav 11/23/2009 5:06:08 AM 01998
Was Sir Robert Menzies the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time...twice?Volkodav 11/20/2009 8:02:18 PM 288658
RUSI prsentation by Wooner on Collinsgf0012-aust 11/18/2009 8:14:20 AM 338296
Oh what a surprise, another Collins cock-upAussiegunneragain 11/13/2009 2:59:00 AM 3110489
Is the JSF Really a Fifth Generation Fighter? (2nd Try)Zhang Fei 11/11/2009 7:12:34 AM 73395
Is the JSF Really a Fifth Generation Fighter?Zhang Fei 11/9/2009 8:16:35 PM 02151
OA for General Petraeusgf0012-aust 11/5/2009 2:05:52 PM 64148
Something I've been pondering for a whileAussiegunneragain 11/3/2009 8:58:59 AM 62890
My chance to finally serve on a flat top...DropBear 10/28/2009 1:51:39 AM 72476
Small nuclear reactors a new trendVolkodav 10/26/2009 4:24:04 AM 83089
Crunch time for fightersVolkodav 10/24/2009 5:17:45 AM 12038
Should the RAAF divest non core capabilities to the other services?Volkodav 10/23/2009 7:06:52 PM 4110501
NZ may finally be about to sell the A4salbywan 10/18/2009 4:08:35 PM 154355
I like Tank DestroyersVolkodav 10/17/2009 3:24:13 AM 2410677
MRH90Matt/b 10/13/2009 7:48:42 AM 72687
John Howard for the next Nobel Peace prize? Aussiegunneragain 10/13/2009 7:31:49 AM 184744
Hypothetical - Australia versus Portugul over TimorAussiegunneragain 10/10/2009 7:39:38 AM 144860
Thales LAND 121 Phase 4 SolutionVolkodav 10/7/2009 4:04:34 AM 85780
MRH90Matt/b 10/5/2009 6:58:29 PM 01754
MRH90Matt/b 10/5/2009 6:58:06 PM 01792
Nuclear will 'combat climate change'Volkodav 10/1/2009 9:39:23 AM 92643
Man once sentenced to hang found guilty of gunning down girlfriendVolkodav 10/1/2009 7:09:17 AM 42465
Employers warn that award net traps office workersVolkodav 10/1/2009 5:11:48 AM 22098
Factory deaths pay better than war widow pensionsVolkodav 9/29/2009 5:03:15 AM 11999
83 Diggers 83 injured in Afghanistan became invisibleVolkodav 9/27/2009 8:42:53 PM 52109
Alternatives to a future submarineAussiegunneragain 9/27/2009 3:51:10 AM 205534
I like this oneAussiegunneragain 9/26/2009 12:29:40 AM 92882
I like this oneAussiegunneragain 9/23/2009 4:35:53 AM 01816
A very different Post War AustraliaVolkodav 9/21/2009 7:27:43 AM 02125
Kevin Foley talks to US brass about using portVolkodav 9/20/2009 6:05:37 PM 02124
French Economic Stimulus supports Defence IndustryVolkodav 9/20/2009 7:39:49 AM 103154
Is the end of missile armed surface combatants near?Volkodav 9/16/2009 5:15:53 AM 114650
Australians Numero Uno in Carbondioxide emission per personYelliChink 9/13/2009 7:56:01 PM 42179
Hypothetical: Malcolm Frazer steps down in favor of Andrew Peacock in 1981Volkodav 9/13/2009 3:34:22 AM 62579
dodgey brother...gf0012-aust 9/12/2009 11:12:28 AM 32208
Hypothetical: If there was to be a ANZAC force, what would NZ need to contribute?albywan 9/10/2009 7:18:55 AM 42731
Is everyone busy of just on holiday?Volkodav 9/10/2009 4:32:27 AM 153617
Hypothetical: Australia mechanised two thirds of the RAR during VietnamVolkodav 9/4/2009 7:24:51 AM 32376
DPRK arms shipment to Iran intercepted by UAE. Herald12345 9/3/2009 12:17:31 AM 226454
Peak humanity raises security concernsBLUIE006 9/2/2009 9:36:28 AM 02382
Two activists held aboard whaling shipBLUIE006 8/31/2009 7:04:57 AM 268782
New Chief of Staffgf0012-aust 8/28/2009 11:40:31 PM 32436
Troops aren't assassinating TalibanVolkodav 8/27/2009 2:53:38 AM 52462
U.S. Navy considers Adelaide maintenance baseVolkodav 8/24/2009 9:09:07 AM 125041
ANZAC force structurebrizzydude 8/23/2009 6:21:13 PM 379423
military base securitythruster 8/15/2009 11:36:59 PM 229884
Aussie Invasionbenellim4 8/6/2009 12:52:13 AM 32966
Hypothetical: HMAS Melbourne was converted into an ASW Helicopter Carrier during the early 60'sVolkodav 8/5/2009 4:18:14 AM 22581
Piracy.gf0012-aust 8/4/2009 10:39:12 AM 186249
Four arrested over army base suicide attack plotVolkodav 8/4/2009 4:54:13 AM 02081
Aussie Invasionbenellim4 7/29/2009 8:20:00 PM 02006
Alternate Post WWII RAN: DestroyersVolkodav 7/29/2009 9:02:07 AM 12545
Moving Richmondeighty-eight 7/29/2009 4:49:07 AM 02123
JSF Briefing Canberragf0012-aust 7/27/2009 10:41:19 PM 136485
What is going to happen to our D model Chinooks?Volkodav 7/22/2009 10:19:49 PM 53038
Hypothetical post Vietnam ADF reorganisationVolkodav 7/19/2009 10:17:16 AM 02072
Australia's Real Aircraft CarrierAussiegunneragain 7/19/2009 8:43:28 AM 2011208
LCH replacementVolkodav 7/18/2009 9:23:52 PM 02576
Project WalerAussie Matt 7/17/2009 7:59:05 PM 135518
The AshesHeorot 7/17/2009 7:58:20 PM 11920
California sends it's regards...DarthAmerica 7/13/2009 7:54:17 AM 62719
Chicago Sends Its Highest RegardsVelocityVector 7/13/2009 7:47:15 AM 62664
Robot schoolgf0012-aust 7/13/2009 2:25:39 AM 12639
The birth of our first ShornetTHEPUSSMK2 7/11/2009 8:35:58 PM 12106
The birth of our first ShornetTHEPUSSMK2 7/11/2009 8:32:30 PM 01803
The birth of our first ShornetTHEPUSSMK2 7/11/2009 8:27:05 PM 01837
The birth of our first ShornetTHEPUSSMK2 7/11/2009 8:26:57 PM 01807
The birth of our first ShornetTHEPUSSMK2 7/11/2009 8:25:54 PM 01746
German bidder holds fire on gunshairy man 7/10/2009 11:50:17 PM 217739
Rio TintoNanheyangrouchuan 7/10/2009 11:30:33 AM 01912
Off topicgf0012-aust 7/8/2009 6:29:51 PM 02035
Alternate Post WWII RAN: FrigatesVolkodav 7/2/2009 3:14:39 PM 12911
(no subject)Volkodav 7/2/2009 7:39:44 AM 01951
Alternate Post WWII RAN: CruisersVolkodav 7/2/2009 7:36:37 AM 02112
And now for something completely different...RAAF chooses EE Lightning over Mirage.Volkodav 7/1/2009 2:14:49 PM 19665947
Japan Could Be Offered $290 Million F-22Volkodav 6/28/2009 12:51:42 AM 23096
Australian Fractual Cam Barracuda 6/28/2009 12:37:33 AM 115562
ASC cuts 86 submarine jobsVolkodav 6/28/2009 12:23:05 AM 33089
Silent and deadlyVolkodav 6/27/2009 3:31:59 AM 02539
Is this dinkum?Barracuda 6/26/2009 9:52:20 AM 12093
Is this dinkum?Barracuda 6/26/2009 9:48:25 AM 01914
Does anybody know of a PC miltary combat game that has Aussie Diggers in it?CDT3 6/26/2009 3:07:40 AM 53001
Python tracked by it's dinner date..gf0012-aust 6/25/2009 7:36:10 PM 02181
MINCS(L) AMP048.36 – Army Mortar System ProjectBLUIE006 6/23/2009 8:14:18 AM 198433
$1.4bn wasted on cancelled SeaspriteVolkodav 6/22/2009 9:28:40 AM 228144
a little humourHugo 6/19/2009 1:58:51 AM 32346
And now for something completely different... The geek shopgf0012-aust 6/17/2009 8:34:48 AM 164981
Goodbye Costello - all tip & no icebergbigfella 6/15/2009 9:05:18 AM 42509
Hypothetical: F-35 lame duckDropBear 6/14/2009 10:53:00 AM 197883
There for the taking ;)American Kafir 6/13/2009 6:53:03 PM 32251
There for the taking ;)American Kafir 6/13/2009 3:31:14 PM 01922
Off Topicgf0012-aust 6/13/2009 2:07:21 PM 22148
Wanker Alert ....Aussiegunneragain 6/12/2009 4:14:26 AM 83662
Another Reason I Love the Aussiesswhitebull 6/8/2009 1:01:38 PM 74005
Joel Fitzgibbon best minister in decades, says Defence AssociationVolkodav 6/7/2009 10:33:44 PM 185408
A new name for CommandosVolkodav 6/5/2009 10:01:45 AM 02316
NYT: Australia Chill over ChinaYelliChink 6/3/2009 2:25:56 PM 02371
Australian politician made herself tallerYelliChink 6/3/2009 11:48:48 AM 22386
WedgetailVGNTMH 5/31/2009 12:49:12 AM 12754
completely off topicgf0012-aust 5/25/2009 5:41:52 AM 1910764
WTF - $43 billion bucks spent to improve porn download rates?!?!Aussiegunneragain 5/25/2009 5:36:11 AM 7415770
Woomera hosts HIFiRE hypersonic test flightgf0012-aust 5/23/2009 12:46:58 AM 22798
Volkodavgf0012-aust 5/22/2009 5:43:05 AM 12208
Australia to train extra Pakistani troopsgf0012-aust 5/20/2009 3:28:01 AM 02136
2009/2010 BudgetStevoJH 5/19/2009 9:16:30 AM 155537
Chances of a second batch of AWD'sVolkodav 5/17/2009 10:20:51 PM 268869
Austal in box seat to build 20 new smaller warships.hairy man 5/15/2009 5:56:28 AM 54837
2009/2010 BudgetStevoJH 5/12/2009 8:30:48 AM 02132
White paper orders huge military build-up!!!!!!!!!Volkodav 5/11/2009 2:57:02 AM 4922590
Does the RAN have a need for a Corvette?hairy man 5/10/2009 1:39:12 AM 6423813
Courier Mail Article: Many Aussie women lack manners and are 'foul-mouthed and loud' Panther 5/7/2009 8:46:26 PM 257886
'Too few boots on ground'...what tha?Volkodav 5/4/2009 8:28:24 PM 22725
I'm bored!Volkodav 5/4/2009 1:31:25 PM 11959
T5C gf0012-aust 5/2/2009 7:40:36 AM 23146
Australia to Buy 7 CH-47F Chinook Helicoptershairy man 5/1/2009 9:33:03 PM 13161
Australian Poll - Should Australia be spending more on defence.Aussiegunneragain 4/27/2009 6:21:00 AM 02127
Australia needs carriers?YelliChink 4/26/2009 9:08:58 AM 64124
ANZAC Daygf0012-aust 4/26/2009 1:54:13 AM 22075
Our defenceless forceVolkodav 4/25/2009 9:29:00 PM 3811751
What chance the Predator C for the ADF?Volkodav 4/23/2009 8:44:12 AM 44398
CSIRO wins legal stoush with HPgf0012-aust 4/22/2009 2:17:58 AM 64527
Aust-made plasma thruster facing space testgf0012-aust 4/22/2009 2:03:39 AM 02285
Lightforce videogf0012-aust 4/19/2009 11:19:00 PM 22744
How will the axing of the manned component of FCS affect LAND 400?Volkodav 4/16/2009 7:47:12 AM 155324
Revamp of flawed salary system means pay rise for manyVolkodav 4/16/2009 1:56:39 AM 02256
F-22 exchange pilot helps strengthen U.S., Australian ties.The Lizard King 4/11/2009 10:05:28 AM 54022
Big guns come under fireVolkodav 4/6/2009 1:35:00 PM 93628
PLA Tried To Hack RuddSoftwar 4/3/2009 3:39:09 PM 12291
Shornet announcement tomorrow morninggf0012-aust 4/1/2009 8:43:35 AM 5616628
Have you lot seen this? LOL, it's bloody hilarious! Aussiegunneragain 3/31/2009 1:43:45 PM 12607
Fitzgibbon Met With PLA Generals and Helen LiuSoftwar 3/31/2009 9:11:36 AM 32453
Military not ready for war as fighter jets, choppers and submarines unfit for frontlineVolkodav 3/30/2009 8:35:28 PM 02153
Is Afghanistan more dangerous for our troops without extra support? Aussiegunneragain 3/29/2009 12:40:32 AM 217711
Reforms behind Defence leak, Joel Fitzgibbon suspectsVolkodav 3/28/2009 10:53:59 PM 154322
Aussie sailors in hot water THEPUSSMK2 3/25/2009 4:47:30 AM 12287
Gizmag article on CSIRO - Scooter designgf0012-aust 3/25/2009 3:28:02 AM 02609
'Chance encounter' sparked deadly brawl between bikies at Sydney AirportVolkodav 3/23/2009 8:35:09 AM 22440
A joke for ya allAussiegunneragain 3/21/2009 7:59:50 PM 12675
VegemiteYelliChink 3/21/2009 7:34:29 PM 3412060
Time for a stir. If only we had ordered F-15E's 5 to 10 years agoVolkodav 3/21/2009 3:27:59 AM 23116
Global Hawk and 4th AWD axed, JSF delayed a yearAussiegunneragain 3/19/2009 7:48:01 AM 3112478
Are any Liberal supporters as pissed off with Peter Costello as I am? Aussiegunneragain 3/13/2009 10:30:22 PM 103008
Australian Camo Color SpecsArtyEngineer 3/13/2009 11:56:54 AM 55694
Oil Slick of BrisbaneAussiegunneragain 3/13/2009 7:40:16 AM 02455
When is a frigate not a frigate?hairy man 3/12/2009 10:09:48 PM 65153
Bored programmers, kangaroos, and military helicopter simulations HERALD1357 3/12/2009 8:45:39 AM 12303
Indonesia CAN Invade Australia - Who Let the Muppets Out?Bigfella2 3/12/2009 7:26:44 AM 2829102
Check your SIX!!!!BLUIE006 3/11/2009 8:23:50 AM 02484
Boratonomics Aussiegunneragain 3/10/2009 8:12:32 AM 02064
Silver BulletsVolkodav 3/10/2009 6:54:40 AM 227366
When is a frigate not a frigate?hairy man 3/10/2009 6:25:17 AM 02130
Should our LHD's be better armed?Volkodav 3/10/2009 5:21:46 AM 289713
Probe begins into US bomber's forced landinggf0012-aust 3/9/2009 1:25:47 AM 93245
remote bare basesthruster 3/8/2009 8:22:27 AM 23140
the folly of the naval missile age???thruster 3/2/2009 1:41:27 PM 308522
Oh dear Combet has a new job...where to for procurement now?Volkodav 2/27/2009 10:52:12 PM 22334
One for you GFHugo 2/27/2009 6:50:54 AM 11996
400 Iraqis accept ADF offer to live in Australiagf0012-aust 2/24/2009 3:37:50 AM 02321
What could have been - Australian between wars ship buildingVolkodav 2/23/2009 8:54:17 AM 3015052
What if: Japan delayed or abandoned its entry into WWIIVolkodav 2/19/2009 12:46:04 PM 155677
North Korea 'ready for war' with SouthVolkodav 2/19/2009 6:25:28 AM 02555
Another screwed up procurement processAussiegunneragain 2/19/2009 6:10:20 AM 4112334
Pre WWII What If - Partial mechanisation and motorisation of the Australian ArmyVolkodav 2/15/2009 6:47:55 PM 6134521
Firebugs relighting Victorian firesBLUIE006 2/14/2009 6:45:41 PM 206021
Global Opportunities program questionYelliChink 2/14/2009 5:01:48 PM 22087
Navy diver fought off shark after attack in Sydney Harbourgf0012-aust 2/10/2009 11:57:44 PM 02618
Diggers urged to double offensive in AfghanistanVolkodav 2/8/2009 6:50:18 PM 23028
Oz here I come ;)ArtyEngineer 2/5/2009 3:13:49 AM 83223
Military refuses to fast-track rocket defence systemVolkodav 2/3/2009 1:57:16 AM 73878
TestHERALD1357 2/2/2009 5:35:42 AM 02073
Dodson wants to change Australia DayAussiegunneragain 2/1/2009 6:31:38 AM 63513
Sub safety row spurs overseas trainingVolkodav 2/1/2009 12:43:23 AM 23396
Are Mid Life Upgrades a waste of time and moneyVolkodav 1/31/2009 3:31:50 AM 257598
Four-metre monster caught in shedgf0012-aust 1/31/2009 1:22:45 AM 12532
Australian Open--- I am surprised -- ROD LAVER U RULE!!!!!!!!!!Necromancer 1/27/2009 6:18:28 AM 02347
Something for our Australian friendsHERALD1357 1/27/2009 3:57:17 AM 23325
Dodson wants to change Australia DayAussiegunneragain 1/26/2009 8:03:30 AM 02163
Young Liberals propose national service for AustraliansVolkodav 1/23/2009 8:21:55 PM 22415
US Withdraw from Iraq! BLUIE006 1/22/2009 6:43:31 AM 02261
Defence audit finds $3bn to cutVolkodav 1/17/2009 9:13:55 PM 53044
Aussie soldier awarded first Victoria Cross in 40 years for Afghanistan braveryBLUIE006 1/17/2009 9:05:08 PM 64464
naval asymmetric defencethruster 1/17/2009 7:33:42 AM 218607
Bye Bye TF 158 Hello TF 152THEPUSSMK2 1/17/2009 2:48:59 AM 03381
naval asymmetric defencethruster 1/12/2009 11:04:19 PM 01948
naval asymmetric defencethruster 1/12/2009 11:03:52 PM 01952
naval asymmetric defencethruster 1/12/2009 11:03:31 PM 02069
Xmas night - SKY FIGHTERS - SBS channelDropBear 1/11/2009 7:54:52 AM 94052
What if: the DDG's were replaced one for one with evolved Chakri Naruebet carriersVolkodav 1/10/2009 11:29:51 AM 02804
Minister Fitzgibbon tells navy to get rid of asbestos partsVolkodav 1/9/2009 4:45:32 AM 12598
ASLAV MLUVolkodav 1/8/2009 8:04:51 AM 2410772
What do some of our Australian friends know of Admiral Dennis C. Blair?HERALD1357 1/7/2009 1:56:06 AM 43027
Recruit bonanza for ADF as military seen as safe havenAussiegunneragain 1/6/2009 3:10:59 AM 02476
(no subject)Aussiegunneragain 1/6/2009 3:09:31 AM 01928
Rudd's Emissions Trading Scheme...fall out 1/5/2009 6:37:44 AM 53210
FBE and Richmond during christmas?stingray1003 1/4/2009 4:14:41 PM 32706
Australian Experdinonary FrigateTHEPUSSMK2 1/1/2009 7:59:26 PM 1722783
Happy New Yeargf0012-aust 1/1/2009 6:40:28 AM 33067
Merry Christmas reply to broken linkgf0012-aust 12/25/2008 8:34:17 AM 12758
Merry ChristmasHugo 12/24/2008 5:47:45 AM 02246
Kevin Rudd and the Navy.hairy man 12/24/2008 2:12:16 AM 104138
Obama may want more Diggers for Taliban warfareVolkodav 12/23/2008 7:30:43 AM 32884
Kerkanya for Isreal ??Aussie Comms 12/19/2008 6:34:05 PM 53381
Muscular or meek? Australia's defence balancefall out 12/18/2008 7:08:11 AM 115793
Kerkanya for Isreal ??Aussie Comms 12/17/2008 8:17:25 AM 02215
QuestionAussiegunneragain 12/9/2008 9:46:19 PM 22985
How does CEAFAR compare to SPY-1F in small surface combatant applicationsVolkodav 12/9/2008 7:28:10 AM 715731
Anti- IED Tech ?BLUIE006 12/6/2008 11:31:31 PM 43428
Support your local JSFgf0012-aust 12/6/2008 7:19:57 PM 02464
Do we or will we have enough pilots for 75 F-35's and 24 SH's?Volkodav 12/5/2008 2:31:39 AM 124853
One for Drop BearVolkodav 12/4/2008 6:43:19 AM 63184
Crewless navy welcomes fishermenVolkodav 11/30/2008 8:47:18 PM 22840
Australian Gunners in A'StanArtyEngineer 11/28/2008 7:22:37 AM 176011
A backwards SP wish-list anybody?Aussiegunneragain 11/28/2008 5:50:23 AM 5313632
What do we need to round out our amphibious capabilities.Volkodav 11/28/2008 5:27:12 AM 02520
China's rise raises Australia war fears (Alarmism or statement of fact?)Zhang Fei 11/23/2008 11:34:58 PM 278889
Extended Christmas vacation for the RAN? HERALD1357 11/19/2008 3:15:06 AM 63597
Austal wins US Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) program In-the-can 11/17/2008 1:40:18 AM 88603
Australian made versus overseas kit.hairy man 11/14/2008 7:36:03 AM 289713
Air Power Seminargf0012-aust 11/14/2008 6:03:08 AM 02754
Austal wins US Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) program In-the-can 11/13/2008 8:13:38 PM 02257
Australia needs space program - reportVolkodav 11/13/2008 3:03:19 AM 43500
The impact of the Defence of Australia doctrine twenty years onAussiegunneragain 11/11/2008 7:35:50 AM 106470
SoldiersAussiegunneragain 11/10/2008 6:44:32 AM 02468
Volkodav alertgf0012-aust 11/10/2008 6:39:24 AM 12446
Question regarding Australian Military VehiclesArtyEngineer 11/10/2008 4:17:40 AM 104266
Restoring the spirit of AnzacsVolkodav 11/8/2008 3:57:32 PM 63356
Corporal Thapaneutralizer 11/8/2008 8:39:05 AM 42725
Clark concedes NZ election to KeyVolkodav 11/8/2008 8:35:54 AM 12425
Aussie milk contaminated, says ChinaZhang Fei 11/7/2008 8:20:27 PM 02530
Submarines stay at core of defenceVolkodav 11/7/2008 3:03:56 AM 02404
The Rudd strategy Part II: just how good is China's economy?Zhang Fei 11/5/2008 8:50:36 PM 02448
What chance the Defence White Paper will retain 3 RAR in Airborne role?Volkodav 11/5/2008 8:27:06 PM 12135468
Land 17 SPG could also provide CRAM solution.Volkodav 11/3/2008 9:53:42 PM 1811017
Australia joins JLTV?Volkodav 11/2/2008 6:27:30 AM 54713
Are 6 RAR and 8/9 RAR Light Infantry or Motorized Infantry?Volkodav 10/31/2008 10:58:48 AM 44227
Typhoon Briefing - Wed 22/10gf0012-aust 10/29/2008 3:23:14 AM 3310816
Unregulated Greed; a sad state of the human psyche...fall out 10/28/2008 9:54:29 AM 5916683
McCain or Obama - which will be better for Australia's interestshairy man 10/27/2008 1:16:33 AM 114728
How about we go for a cup of .... tea? Aussiegunneragain 10/24/2008 6:24:55 AM 02411
The rise of the Greens, be very scaredAussiegunneragain 10/24/2008 5:12:29 AM 155227
C-17 at Nowra Air ShowAussiegunneragain 10/24/2008 5:05:15 AM 03461
Security beneath the wavesVolkodav 10/23/2008 5:09:49 PM 186161
Why Peter Costello hates the Defence DepartmentAussiegunneragain 10/22/2008 6:38:07 AM 02702
Cash crisis hits purchase of strike fightersEnterpriser 10/18/2008 8:24:27 PM 22750
Hey Dropbear ...Aussiegunneragain 10/18/2008 7:25:39 PM 32655
Hey Dropbear ...Aussiegunneragain 10/18/2008 9:14:52 AM 02278
What if Australia had struck oil in the '70s?Lawman 10/9/2008 6:33:19 PM 228767
If you could improve our defence forces!hairy man 10/6/2008 9:03:02 PM 22797
If you could improve our defence forces!hairy man 10/5/2008 11:50:59 PM 02354
If you could improve our defence forces!hairy man 10/5/2008 11:47:37 PM 02175
If you could improve our defence forces!hairy man 10/5/2008 10:47:58 PM 01949
If you could improve our defence forces!hairy man 10/5/2008 10:47:24 PM 02219
If you could improve our defence forces!hairy man 10/5/2008 10:46:51 PM 02209
(no subject)hairy man 10/5/2008 10:45:13 PM 02181
Joel Fitzgibbon sticks with joint fightersVolkodav 10/1/2008 6:48:48 PM 104781
LandWarfare Conf 2008 in Brissiegf0012-aust 9/25/2008 3:39:42 PM 32958
RAAF Amberleybrizzydude 9/25/2008 7:04:30 AM 63043
Manned missions to Mars could be broadcast livegf0012-aust 9/24/2008 5:39:47 PM 22594
Same old Song and Dance Eqs. Kopp and GoonEnterpriser 9/24/2008 9:20:17 AM 02589
gf: 18 months behind but project resultsBigbro 9/20/2008 9:09:50 PM 44047
C-130 Hercules fleet grounded...fall out 9/18/2008 1:45:24 AM 54298
Spy agency ASIS run down: Alexander DownerVolkodav 9/16/2008 6:03:44 AM 24831
theaustralian: 'Defence spending surges to world's 13th largest'fall out 9/14/2008 8:44:57 AM 3113050
Forces must be up-to-date, says PMEnterpriser 9/13/2008 6:34:55 AM 258113
Opposition defends Joint Strike Fighter over simulated dogfightsEnterpriser 9/13/2008 3:24:28 AM 95274
Fleet plan feeding into China's fearsEnterpriser 9/13/2008 2:16:26 AM 12581
Subs boost faces battle over budgetsEnterpriser 9/11/2008 1:21:12 AM 02702
Navy told to stop whining, get toughVolkodav 9/10/2008 8:04:25 PM 104007
Carlo Kopp would have a wet dream if he saw this...DropBear 9/8/2008 11:56:27 PM 74746
Infantry could help SAS in AfghanistanVolkodav 9/8/2008 8:06:56 AM 02673
Latest developments on land 17, Land 121, land 40 phase 21stcohort3 9/7/2008 2:44:03 AM 1511867
Carbon capture technologyTercio 9/6/2008 3:11:06 AM 12542
Give me more Aussies, pleads generalVolkodav 9/4/2008 7:10:50 AM 13042
Bipartisan support for army over use of 'dog pens'Volkodav 9/4/2008 6:24:56 AM 12376
Latest developments on land 17, Land 121, land 40 phase 21stcohort3 9/3/2008 11:42:43 PM 02509
Fitzgibbon set to scrap $150m defence contractVolkodav 9/3/2008 10:13:36 PM 42803
Paramedic-style aid for Afghan troopsVolkodav 9/3/2008 4:37:38 AM 12826
What sort of land force does Australia really need?Volkodav 9/3/2008 3:44:12 AM 16143841
Riverfire 2008DropBear 9/1/2008 12:58:36 PM 124438
Another f35 article...with a hint of truthbeepa 8/30/2008 8:25:29 AM 178369
Air force in bid to stop staff exodusVolkodav 8/28/2008 10:48:18 AM 23191
Francis Fukuyama: 'Is this the age of the autocrat?'fall out 8/27/2008 9:26:18 PM 12542
Schumann still waiting to sing for troopsVolkodav 8/22/2008 9:17:53 AM 02826
What about the structure of the Army's Sections and PlatoonsVolkodav 8/21/2008 5:37:15 PM 107010
Aussie Aviation Icon To Return To The Sky. Volkodav 8/19/2008 11:01:53 AM 12860
Our Super Hornets. How many will we get?hairy man 8/19/2008 7:39:29 AM 15840845
Anzac spirit but not battle readyVolkodav 8/19/2008 6:58:33 AM 176042
The Bear is back from hibernationEnterpriser 8/19/2008 6:06:45 AM 12495
New Export Rules For UK and AustraliaSoftwar 8/18/2008 5:09:35 PM 43155
LAND 17 gets weirdAussie Diggermark 2 8/16/2008 4:43:07 AM 5418725
Land 121 may have to be reopenedVolkodav 8/14/2008 8:46:13 AM 13725
1991: To risk or not?DropBear 8/14/2008 5:03:13 AM 73471
Australian 'Lead Nation' Afghan mission by 2010?Enterpriser 8/14/2008 4:55:54 AM 64291
Lon Tan campaigners recognised at lasthairy man 8/13/2008 8:40:14 PM 03407
Aussie forces capture key Taliban leaderBLUIE006 8/13/2008 5:44:34 PM 43413
Interesting article on mortars. Aussiegunneragain 8/10/2008 1:30:54 PM 23913
Bushmaster Again....Enterpriser 8/9/2008 8:47:34 PM 64858
Land 40 Phase 2 short listed ghats revealedAussie Diggermark 2 8/9/2008 8:39:42 PM 33734
Land 40 Phase 2 short listed ghats revealedAussie Diggermark 2 8/9/2008 10:38:44 AM 02338
Land 40 Phase 2 short listed ghats revealedAussie Diggermark 2 8/9/2008 10:36:55 AM 02398
The Australian - Iraq war stupid, Aussie David Kilcullen tells USAussiegunneragain 8/8/2008 10:47:47 PM 198618
SM-3, AEGIS, and BMD of Continental AustraliaVGNTMH 8/8/2008 10:33:56 PM 2011523
Bushmaster Again....Enterpriser 8/7/2008 11:03:39 AM 02454
RAAF instructor found dead at home in Alaska - RIPDarthAmerica 8/6/2008 8:59:08 AM 75734
Very interesting F-35 article from DTIVolkodav 8/6/2008 8:54:06 AM 36594
Guess what .....Aussiegunneragain 8/1/2008 6:12:47 AM 22980
Your thoughts on a renewed Australian Space Programfall out 7/30/2008 9:04:48 PM 238706
Botched medivac as Digger in Afghanistan lay dyingVolkodav 7/30/2008 8:33:30 AM 75935
Unmanned Systems & ADFBLUIE006 7/30/2008 5:32:11 AM 84261
Qantas airlinenorden 7/25/2008 9:40:23 PM 12640
US reviewing F-22 ProgramKevin Pork 7/25/2008 6:36:00 AM 12667
A nation at war, but kept clear of combatVolkodav 7/24/2008 7:42:16 PM 4312899
theaustralian: 'Push to join ASEAN defence talks'fall out 7/23/2008 7:25:48 PM 197505
LAND 17 gets weirdAussie Diggermark 2 7/21/2008 9:29:22 AM 02205
LAND 17 gets weirdAussie Diggermark 2 7/21/2008 9:29:06 AM 02373
LAND 17 gets weirdAussie Diggermark 2 7/21/2008 9:28:53 AM 02544
RAAF Shornetsgf0012-aust 7/21/2008 6:12:30 AM 12593
F/A-18 SH vs F-22Arty Farty 7/21/2008 3:44:39 AM 26809
Invade New ZealandHugo 7/21/2008 3:38:24 AM 84425
Joining the RAAF reserves...stingray1003 7/19/2008 3:18:35 AM 65522
FarnboroughVGNTMH 7/18/2008 7:47:54 AM 02502
Joining the RAAF Reservesstingray1003 7/18/2008 12:12:44 AM 02591
Joining the RAAF Reservesstingray1003 7/18/2008 12:12:29 AM 02342
Joining the RAAF reserves...stingray1003 7/17/2008 11:36:08 PM 02234
Joining the RAAF reserves...stingray1003 7/17/2008 11:35:52 PM 02325
Some Indian lovin'beersheba 7/17/2008 1:49:15 AM 02633
Arguments for and against PZH 2000BLUIE006 7/17/2008 12:20:24 AM 64559
Has anyone tried this yet?DarthAmerica 7/16/2008 6:48:50 PM 02482
Has anyone tried this yet?DarthAmerica 7/16/2008 6:48:37 PM 02518
Cost of F-35sVGNTMH 7/16/2008 6:43:59 PM 63448
theage: 'Russia warns of military response to US missile shield'fall out 7/16/2008 9:10:28 AM 2346815
Navy League lobbies for STOVLAdvanceAustralia 7/16/2008 8:13:01 AM 4316364
ADF GBAD Article on Defense Industry DailyVGNTMH 7/12/2008 3:29:13 AM 44790
This is ferkin brilliantAussiegunneragain 7/10/2008 11:50:36 PM 22947
SAS soldier killed - 1stcohort2 7/10/2008 3:24:09 AM 02228
SAS soldier killed - 1stcohort2 7/10/2008 3:24:03 AM 02544
More ferkin brilliance from the ABCAussiegunneragain 7/9/2008 9:33:39 AM 02491

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