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Terrorism Discussion Board
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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
my WAG on the GWOTnewjarheaddean 5/6/2011 3:12:30 PM 11548
A hero is violatedTriggaFingaz 4/15/2011 4:11:23 PM 97805
Khalid Sheikh Muhammad – enemy combatant status determinationAshley-the-man 11/29/2010 1:45:10 PM 84710
Indian the Biggest Terrorist in South Asia/WorldEuropa 11/16/2009 9:04:23 PM 54941
LET still at it repeat of 26/11 or Danish newspaper was on the boardLe Zookeeper 11/6/2009 1:33:43 PM 01536
Hezbollah Smuggling Drugs into USASoftwar 3/27/2009 10:11:45 AM 02276
Could Make One ParanoidCJH 11/14/2008 11:42:50 PM 02003
I'd rather fight than switchsofa 11/14/2008 11:23:40 PM 33340
TWA Flight 800ChrisWI 7/17/2008 5:21:50 PM 1812014
Europe is just not serious about fighting terrorismFJV 4/3/2008 1:33:19 PM 02567
Geert Wilders' Fitnamaruben 3/27/2008 6:03:30 PM 02561
The nuke terrorist profile suggests likely candidate to be a Westerner-SURPRISEHerc the Merc 3/19/2008 8:12:18 AM 94210
Terrorist Death Watchphalanx30 2/27/2008 10:34:01 AM 22850
Information network against terroristskane 2/27/2008 8:51:37 AM 02665
9 convicted in a honour-killing of an 18 year old girl.Thomas 1/22/2008 8:13:59 PM 257964
Learn about the enemy sofa 12/30/2007 2:33:24 AM 13985
How did this get on TV in the age of political correctnessFJV 12/23/2007 5:15:59 PM 02327
Then, Now and LaterSYSOP 12/22/2007 4:54:57 AM 01599
Solution to Terrorismenlighten 8/1/2007 10:13:44 PM 236949
The Coalition to Preserve Civilizationsofa 7/13/2007 4:38:50 PM 4113927
Sinai: Terrorism is just another business.Shirrush 5/6/2007 3:38:04 AM 74494
An interesting read on the US letter anthrax attacksHerc the Merc 4/17/2007 3:24:32 PM 03770
LTTE in range of Indian nuke reactors-terror alertHerc the Merc 4/6/2007 1:37:21 PM 03943
Break up the FBIAshley-the-man 3/31/2007 8:23:08 PM 22944
A cricket coaches murder and Al Qaida--a tangled web of terror, blackmail etcHerc the Merc 3/24/2007 6:00:45 PM 02650
Don't be surprised...! Cause' this doesn't look good!Panther 3/19/2007 10:07:37 PM 12024146
Cover Up 911 Ashley-the-man 3/9/2007 10:44:25 PM 23517
Great Real-Time Website on Global Terrorism Incidentsswhitebull 3/4/2007 5:05:51 PM 02812
Al Qaida 2--The return of Osama, sequelHerc the Merc 2/20/2007 10:45:21 AM 13027
OBL Finally Kick the Bucket? More Speculationswhitebull 2/15/2007 12:15:48 AM 33394
Thanks to Fantoos for a gerat PoemFerro 12/21/2006 3:14:41 PM 1110215
Zaqat - money for Islamic terrorismmustavaris 12/8/2006 8:32:33 AM 03148
Islamic warriors and innocent civilians?trustedsourceofinfo 12/5/2006 11:51:09 AM 10421778
Stealthy Insect Sensor ProjectHerc the Merc 11/28/2006 12:59:10 PM 04236
Al-Quaida restructuring in IranHerc the Merc 11/19/2006 11:11:07 PM 02791
Terrorist attack on ports and the enviroment00_Chem_AJB 11/18/2006 9:08:15 PM 02901
one of the reasons for 9-11...capitalist77 11/17/2006 1:12:36 AM 23763
Hashemi SashimiHerc the Merc 10/25/2006 4:38:10 PM 02955
Terrorists to hit NFL?PowerPointRanger 10/18/2006 5:46:47 PM 03157
Helios crash- unconfirmed rumor-Herc the Merc 10/18/2006 1:46:01 PM 75313
USA pressures India to get 110% proof before accusing Pakistan for terror supportHerc the Merc 10/13/2006 9:58:39 AM 13476
Taliban Singles Online - JokeVelocityVector 10/10/2006 5:47:44 PM 13924
The March to Dhimmitude Continues - the Spanish Ulcer swhitebull 10/2/2006 3:31:14 PM 03280
It's All About the Latest Rageswhitebull 10/1/2006 8:42:41 PM 23219
More Good Wishes from the Religion of Peaceswhitebull 9/20/2006 11:57:58 PM 43534
Do they finally have a pope with some attitude?mustavaris 9/20/2006 9:40:55 PM 73735
Islam Rage-Ometerswhitebull 9/19/2006 1:10:00 AM 23402
Infantilizing Muslim rage sofa 9/17/2006 11:56:38 AM 03472
This is News?swhitebull 9/15/2006 12:55:12 PM 02826
7 arrested in Odense Denmark for planning terrorismThomas 9/12/2006 4:08:08 AM 23301
fundamentalism's Islamic flawsFJV 9/7/2006 3:34:14 PM 04636
Is Religion Right?Pelopanisian 9/7/2006 1:58:25 PM 4411547
Dutch plane returned 12 arrestsFJV 8/24/2006 1:25:28 PM 52987
Crashing and hijackings a genetic involuntary defect?? Check this exampleHerc the Merc 8/23/2006 5:23:01 PM 32989
Terrorists caught planning multiple bombings in UKmustavaris 8/10/2006 3:54:08 AM 03544
Improved strategic position in the War on Terrorkarlmaier 8/5/2006 9:19:02 PM 02797
Germans Avert Terrorist Train Disasterswhitebull 8/5/2006 6:02:50 AM 33195
Love Poem for Terrorists - Only in Berkeleyswhitebull 8/4/2006 10:09:08 PM 43870
ObsessionAmerican Kafir 7/31/2006 12:12:15 AM 13023
Kashmiri women take on insurgents-- Burkha and a gun--The Wild West gets a new faceHerc the Merc 7/24/2006 5:18:14 PM 02950
The European March to Dhimmitude Continues - Now it's Belgium's Turn with the 'Youths' swhitebull 7/20/2006 9:55:14 PM 318505
Where is IMAD MUGNIYAH Hezbullah military commander and terror masterHerc the Merc 7/20/2006 8:00:41 PM 23192
Osama the economist Robin hood, truly a soldier and scholarHerc the Merc 7/11/2006 12:40:04 AM 02890
Finally Chechen Shamil meets his maker- he once survived a Smerch assault.Herc the Merc 7/10/2006 1:39:29 PM 03025
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobics alertHerc the Merc 6/28/2006 9:15:54 PM 23173
It wasn't just Zarqawi - Tipping Point on Islamo-Fascists Reached on 6/8 ? swhitebull 6/22/2006 7:23:35 AM 83307
The Change is Beginning Christianity vs IslamRaptorZ 6/15/2006 4:03:28 AM 6533875
IMHO, Air Marshals Aren't EnoughCJH 6/15/2006 2:31:49 AM 135098
Jordan King Abdullah; Leads the way.....RaptorZ 6/7/2006 3:34:19 PM 03092
Your Thoughts on This...anuts 6/5/2006 4:54:36 AM 13191
Pulling PlugsSYSOP1 6/3/2006 11:09:00 AM 02927
Zarqawi targetting Hezbollah, Syria, and EgyptStateMachine 6/3/2006 2:56:44 AM 02981
The Ice Cream Jihad - its Blasphemous, but OHHHHHH, it TASTES SO GOOD!!swhitebull 5/26/2006 3:41:43 PM 103555
Laden described himself as prophettrustedsourceofinfo 5/24/2006 10:23:15 AM 6524084
Dogs of warHerc the Merc 5/22/2006 1:40:05 PM 03123
How to rise Jihadi-wannadie children: instructions available in Finnishmustavaris 5/21/2006 5:18:17 PM 03050
Gary Busey, TraitorAmorphous Blob 5/8/2006 12:31:04 PM 135247
Islam is a memesofa 5/1/2006 9:13:38 PM 86064
None Islamic terroristsMex101 4/15/2006 10:38:20 PM 84047
This Should be interesting....RaptorZ 4/15/2006 7:14:48 AM 33184
New Osama threatHerc the Merc 3/31/2006 1:06:01 PM 03508
ETA to permenantly end terrorHerc the Merc 3/23/2006 12:36:49 AM 13110
So...AlbanyRifles 3/21/2006 8:49:04 PM 103499
in regards to islamAzmodius 3/19/2006 5:39:20 PM 13336
Deeyah, Muslim Pop Starshock & awe 3/17/2006 9:06:08 AM 227595
Military Solution to IslamAzmodius 3/16/2006 9:32:42 AM 8726816
Terrorism dosent acomplish anything!ArsenalOfDemocracy 3/10/2006 4:34:02 PM 348898
you can NEVER stop terror by fightingkane 3/8/2006 10:38:50 PM 8318538
Mid East failures: due to Islam, Oil or something else?eu4ea 3/8/2006 7:52:41 PM 16645
Wafa Sultan on Al-Jazeeraeu4ea 3/7/2006 3:11:24 PM 03031
Amazing it took another terror group to do what I feel is key to fighting TerrorRaptorZ 3/6/2006 8:46:58 PM 03184
Why oh, why? mustavaris 3/6/2006 12:50:08 PM 93790
Azmodius, Pars Kane et al.olive greens 3/3/2006 1:05:48 PM 115390
Wow.......RaptorZ 3/3/2006 3:06:28 AM 166098
Terror central- Dubai?????Herc the Merc 2/24/2006 1:16:05 AM 23486
Al Qaeda Fringe Benefitsswhitebull 2/17/2006 4:00:05 PM 23154
america's response to nuclear terrorism????thesecolorsdontrun 2/13/2006 11:15:02 PM 63862
Nice Ally - Yemenswhitebull 2/12/2006 5:27:43 PM 13200
To deal or not to dealHerc the Merc 2/3/2006 1:08:10 PM 53280
Al queda psyops?FJV 1/28/2006 12:59:23 PM 13167
Dutch govt. is looking to outlaw burqaFJV 1/27/2006 11:42:39 PM 23461
Explosions at Three Amman Hotels Kill 18EW3 1/25/2006 12:41:34 PM 23522
The Beast is dead!!! Rejoice!appleciderus 1/23/2006 11:59:54 PM 54110
OKC Bombing: Much Remains To Be Revealeddisplacedjim 1/11/2006 8:20:49 PM 03300
It Starts - Is France Ready? - The Muslim Riots outside of Parisswhitebull 12/22/2005 3:31:18 PM 207657
WantedRosecruix 11/11/2005 7:39:57 AM 03044
Freed Danish Gitmo prisoner gives interviewThomas 11/8/2005 3:38:45 AM 135648
Osama isn't talking? WTF?HoundOfHello 11/6/2005 7:02:19 PM 06458
Fake Stories of Bangladeshis Intruding Into Indiajg 11/5/2005 7:11:42 AM 38629
A new way to go Bangbattar 10/28/2005 8:56:08 PM 33532
Still collecting human remains from surrounding and still standing WTC buildings.Panther 10/28/2005 7:44:27 PM 03736
A Little More Subtle than a Bomb, but the Trend is Not Promisingswhitebull 10/28/2005 12:51:58 PM 13342
Iraq - The Right Place, With the Right People, at the Right Time.Galrahn 10/28/2005 9:26:14 AM 33905
War on terrorism is a lie.Pars 10/22/2005 2:56:20 PM 33667
J&K Minister Killed In Militant Attack Genesis 10/18/2005 12:19:26 PM 03509
6 men and a woman arrested for terrorism in NLRosecruix 10/14/2005 11:15:00 AM 03112
Now I know why I hate leftists more than terroristsFJV 10/6/2005 4:32:02 PM 15205
We want our Islamic empire! RIGHT NOW!!!!TriggaFingaz 10/6/2005 4:29:49 PM 126026
READ! Rushdie Wants Koran Changed!sanman 9/30/2005 6:44:14 AM 135041
The Brits deserved this bombingTaliban Killer 9/30/2005 1:33:59 AM 104778
Steven Spielberg's new movie: VENGEANCETriggaFingaz 9/11/2005 9:21:55 PM 1416724
The Great Ramadan OffensivePlatypusMaximus 9/9/2005 12:46:06 AM 03284
why can't more nations help?gcw1995 8/29/2005 3:38:54 PM 297525
RAW's Support For Nepali Terroristsjg 8/28/2005 3:59:38 PM 05386
Why the US Support for the King of Nepal is Importantjg 8/28/2005 3:58:43 PM 03271
TERROR CAMPS STILL OPERATINGsanman 8/28/2005 3:27:20 PM 03269
Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not FrancoisRaptorZ 8/17/2005 10:00:05 PM 13189
G#%damn Political correctness.FJV 8/15/2005 8:19:39 PM 94237
More Murdersanman 8/14/2005 2:31:42 AM 02970
Muslim Arabs Value DemocracyFJV 8/13/2005 3:47:16 PM 03405
Aha! You'll Want to Read This!!sanman 8/12/2005 7:57:38 PM 33635
What will happen when European fright over Islamic fundamentalism reaches critical mass?Scorpene 8/11/2005 6:15:39 PM 6814386
A nuclear bomb in the Artic or AntarticaHerc the Merc 8/2/2005 7:19:41 AM 66303
The Mind of the Enemysanman 7/30/2005 11:40:36 PM 03438
Why does Al-Qaida operate in multiples of four???Thomas 7/26/2005 10:39:31 AM 23546
Al-Qaeda Sucess's Recentlygiblets 7/25/2005 6:00:47 AM 33535
(no subject)Panther 7/22/2005 10:39:10 PM 03690
Zarqawi speaks outTriggaFingaz 7/18/2005 11:47:12 PM 23591
Mythic allegories to the War on Jihad TerrorTriggaFingaz 7/13/2005 6:14:05 PM 13379
Radio Show about Bin Laden and NUKEs for the next hourDarthAmerica 7/13/2005 3:42:44 PM 33333
Something For the Terrorist's To ConsiderPeanut 7/8/2005 9:22:03 PM 13326
Why are civilians targeted?debugger 6/16/2005 4:21:08 PM 239234
Beyond Iraq in the Global War on Terror: The Saudi ConnectionSolomon2 6/9/2005 2:36:50 PM 03200
Chechen detained in connection with murder of Theo van GoghFJV 5/26/2005 2:08:33 PM 03350
More Dhimmitude in France - Bending Overswhitebull 5/20/2005 9:33:30 AM 03233
How to stop Muslim's terrorismTom54 5/6/2005 6:24:39 PM 86629
GrrrrrrrrrrFJV 5/2/2005 6:12:13 PM 13217
More Terrorist SquashedVapid 4/12/2005 2:10:15 PM 03308
Muslims Against Starbucks - a Tool of the Zionist Coffee Drinking Conspiracyswhitebull 4/8/2005 6:11:16 AM 35055
what about grand kafir coalition(US+india+israel) to fight islamashoka 3/31/2005 4:22:47 PM 54045
More Outrage fron the Kingdon of Saud - Squashing Dissent thru the British Courtsswhitebull 3/24/2005 7:04:55 AM 02972
Educating terroristscapitalist72 3/16/2005 10:04:38 AM 136492
Russians smoke chief terrorist Roman 3/8/2005 11:59:38 PM 03330
Is Islamic terrorism just a social issue or a deep rooted trend??Herc the merc 3/5/2005 1:40:02 PM 115642
Fox Does its Share - Go Team 24 !swhitebull 2/26/2005 11:27:42 AM 53570
evidence that Russian gov't controls Chechyn rebels, maybe a Queda toostratego 2/22/2005 10:14:11 PM 65614
France-makining it harder to fight terrorismambush 2/22/2005 7:56:30 PM 13449
RE: What is a greater threat the situation in Asia or Terrorismmike14 2/15/2005 12:01:58 PM 13141
Lebanese ex-Minister dies in a violent attackWinsettZ 2/14/2005 4:03:04 PM 03169
Pakistan Obstructing Hunt for BinLadensanman 2/9/2005 5:39:28 PM 53894
Question about UK and FranceJerry W. Loper 2/9/2005 5:24:30 PM 329678
excellent National Review Online interview with Kushner, terrorismstratego 2/7/2005 7:36:29 PM 03584
The Map is not the TerritoryGodofgamblers 2/6/2005 11:21:38 PM 03387
Sex and the Single Terrorist swhitebull 2/5/2005 1:48:12 PM 03239
Western Media Sink to New Lows Roman 2/4/2005 7:19:24 AM 03663
Which islamist terrorist guerillas are the best?jofredes 2/1/2005 5:21:06 PM 238156
Chinese terrorists?The Novice 1/25/2005 2:56:00 PM 43875
Chris Matthews gets An Education swhitebull 1/15/2005 12:32:48 AM 23618
The Empire Strikes Back - Islamic Group Attacks on Terrorism Expert Steve Emersonswhitebull 1/15/2005 12:25:51 AM 13574
A missed opportunity?leoinnyc 1/11/2005 11:39:43 PM 4713693
Murky Latin American Connection - Terrorismjoeytheghost 1/1/2005 11:10:03 PM 13529
More Islamization of Europeswhitebull 12/31/2004 10:40:40 AM 03222
Great Cooga-Mooga! Shiites and Sunnis Cooperate? When there are Jews involved, but of course swhitebull 12/30/2004 1:14:55 PM 13426
Tolkien and the War on Terrorism - Amazing Parallels swhitebull 12/29/2004 9:19:46 PM 03718
Role of Media in the conflictdmvdmv 12/22/2004 9:06:05 AM 05015
Turning over a new leafOn Watch 12/20/2004 10:05:16 PM 13723
Hitting Islamo-Nazis Where it Hurts Most - the Pocketbookswhitebull 12/16/2004 4:44:27 AM 13295
Free Speech: Can advocating terrorism be a civil right?ilpars 12/15/2004 10:55:15 PM 136933
Are millitants classified as civlians?Ace the 2nd 12/11/2004 4:03:57 PM 33630
Kamala Sarup: War Increases ProstitutionKamala 12/10/2004 8:06:15 PM 03896
After terrorist attacks in America Kamala 12/10/2004 8:04:33 PM 03883
American Can Only Wait And SeeKamala 12/2/2004 8:56:24 AM 03334
Britain foils a terrorist plotAmerican Kafir 11/22/2004 11:24:57 PM 03429
Terrorists-Scum of the PlanetAce the 2nd 11/20/2004 8:28:18 AM 03430
Negociating with Terrorist BOTP 11/14/2004 4:15:09 PM 64906
Why don't the good Muslims Condem LoudlyOmnione 11/14/2004 4:08:18 PM 65647
Baal awaits...appleciderus 11/13/2004 3:10:35 AM 84135
Hamdan v. Rumsfelddisplacedjim 11/12/2004 3:13:19 PM 24478
Roots of Terrorism - Harvard Studyswhitebull 11/12/2004 1:26:07 PM 34029
Killing of a controversial filmmakerFJV 11/6/2004 7:09:18 PM 23372
Somebody who always has a kind word...cowboy caesar 11/6/2004 4:19:31 PM 03419
The UBL Show - Tonights Guest Michael MooreAshley-the-man 10/31/2004 12:29:41 AM 03570
Khuzestan Incursion 2006 scenario... realistic?swami 10/28/2004 6:03:34 PM 23866
Terrorism AT the United Nations - the OICswhitebull 10/21/2004 11:28:23 AM 03202
Genetic aggressionmudshark 10/20/2004 11:44:48 PM 65081
Osama Who? The Norma Desmond of Terroristsswhitebull 10/18/2004 1:35:53 PM 03492
Homeland security?mattw 10/17/2004 1:34:00 PM 13488
Tracking the enemy through orange coverallsTriggaFingaz 10/9/2004 12:24:35 PM 04049
What is our AimAjax 10/1/2004 3:02:24 AM 03468
How to Keep a Good Jihadist Up - Institutionalize The Violenceswhitebull 9/24/2004 1:06:53 PM 03096
Madrassas untouchable?mattw 9/21/2004 8:16:22 PM 03065
Whay will we do when they create a nuclear bobm and blow up a city in the USA?Omnione 9/19/2004 12:21:45 AM 24269
Who's Winning the War on Terrorismrbrooku 9/18/2004 11:40:08 PM 24230
The rewards of French appeasementTriggaFingaz 9/18/2004 11:38:11 PM 15010
Terrorism from the 70's to now- need your helpTXAggie93 9/18/2004 12:47:28 AM 23790
Terrorism, Drugs and Virginsgiblets 9/16/2004 5:29:33 AM 14296
What to think of this?FJV 9/15/2004 2:32:53 PM 4815271
Jordan's Queen Noor goes down babblingSGTObvious 9/12/2004 11:01:20 PM 3714542
Ronald Reagan on Terrorismswhitebull 9/10/2004 1:13:39 PM 2610626
For the War in Iraq AND For Terrorism against RussiaAlexis 9/10/2004 12:09:14 PM 13282
Use of terrorismBig Bad Pariah 9/8/2004 1:55:44 PM 33576
The Terrorists strike againamerican in Italy 9/8/2004 6:06:48 AM 03357
Non-Muslim terrorismevlstu 9/7/2004 6:52:26 PM 313307
Human Rights Standards for Non-State Actorssanman 9/4/2004 10:28:49 AM 03709
The PKKilpars 9/2/2004 8:57:23 AM 148272
A new chemical weapon for terrorists ?Alexis 9/1/2004 10:21:41 AM 13348
Terrorism for cosmetic objectivesTriggaFingaz 8/31/2004 5:04:41 PM 33692
Possible New Terrorist Threat??Vapid 8/22/2004 11:04:49 PM 258363
What's the Game?On Watch 8/11/2004 4:19:33 AM 23338
TERRORISM: Stopping Terrorists from Returning to New York Cityabombinous 8/8/2004 7:39:59 AM 33642
Jihadis gleefully pour scorn on the bereavedTriggaFingaz 8/8/2004 6:44:26 AM 43673
An Arab Wakeup Call for 9/11 - HELLO - it was the ARABS who did this!swhitebull 8/5/2004 4:49:02 PM 43807
Fascinating article about Spain and Madrid Bombingscholar 8/4/2004 11:09:53 AM 26667
The Terror Web - calling an Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist an Islamic Fundamentalist Terroristswhitebull 8/4/2004 7:19:22 AM 03511
There is hope for Pakistan, with voices like Irfan Hussein'scapitalist72 8/2/2004 11:25:14 PM 13559
The policy of no negotiation with terroristswoz 7/28/2004 3:41:18 PM 28477
Taliban Still Targeted, Despite What Is ReportedVapid 7/27/2004 5:23:14 PM 13601
look what you can get on ebay citybilly 7/21/2004 2:41:23 PM 43424
The State Departments report on Patterns of Global Terrorismswhitebull 7/19/2004 10:51:12 PM 03228
Novels/Books/Films on TerrorismPuckaMan 7/19/2004 10:12:33 PM 1212707
The FBI's War on Islamic Terrorism - Awarding the Terroristsswhitebull 7/18/2004 5:41:48 AM 84295
Off With Their Heads - the Justication for Beheadings in the Kingdom of Sa'udswhitebull 7/15/2004 11:09:18 AM 03629
Don't Worry, Be Happy - we ONLY Kill Non-Muslims. swhitebull 7/14/2004 4:54:39 AM 2411132
Uhh...WinsettZ 7/9/2004 7:50:05 AM 83629
Militant Islam vs. Turkey ilpars 7/6/2004 9:46:37 AM 126426
Turkey: Battleground for the soul of the Islamilpars 6/24/2004 9:39:03 AM 24885
Schoomaker gets the right analogy on terrorTriggaFingaz 6/22/2004 2:41:35 PM 44199
Al-Qaeda: Book by Jane Corbinsentinel28a 6/21/2004 6:41:07 PM 26206
AL Queda in Saudia Arabia pay for their least a good startNewGuy 6/19/2004 10:16:01 AM 13572
An Online Symposium with 3 Terrorism Expertsswhitebull 6/18/2004 11:00:36 AM 03355
US military doesn't chop off headsdoggtag 6/9/2004 1:06:44 PM 6216432
Our enemy is not terrorismeplzaft 6/2/2004 5:54:54 PM 3710707
How did Turkey beat the PKK?ChdNorm 5/31/2004 3:46:37 AM 207919
Singapore's Prime minister speech on what drives terrorists extremists!Panther 5/30/2004 7:28:38 AM 94762
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis of Berg videoElbandeedo 5/25/2004 11:37:02 AM 03883
Warning - ONLY for the Strong of Stomach - one of the Scariest Terrorists Still Living - a Pictureswhitebull 5/21/2004 11:11:05 AM 03529
NOTE: The Royal Wedding went through all right.Thomas2 5/21/2004 8:52:19 AM 23437
Winning the WarBBrad 5/20/2004 7:52:47 PM 53694
Dialogue: Does Islam promote Terrorism? Will it happen?NadirAhmed 5/17/2004 12:53:17 AM 24405
Full translation of psycho-bable prior to murder of Berg?Elbandeedo 5/13/2004 3:55:17 PM 13530
A Year Into A Kerry Presidency (scary thought-huh?)Jay 5/8/2004 4:56:25 PM 03209
We're still politically correct!SGTObvious 5/8/2004 4:21:23 PM 23558
Maybe we can pick up a tip from OsamaSGTObvious 5/7/2004 8:27:05 AM 23533
In light of this, I don't understand the complaints about Israel.SGTObvious 5/2/2004 3:13:08 PM 114995
Terrorism: definedBlackHistory 4/30/2004 11:17:48 PM 3510012
Our secret weaponjastayme3 4/30/2004 12:06:46 PM 53851
Bin Laden offers truce to EuropeRoman 4/29/2004 12:02:03 PM 83775
It heats up, yesterday Syria, Thailand todaySGTObvious 4/28/2004 8:02:57 PM 43871
More WMD shows upSGTObvious 4/27/2004 8:10:10 AM 83987
Logic of the War on Terror.Siddar 4/26/2004 3:02:44 AM 34542
Fundementalist assasins - Their backgroundilpars 4/22/2004 9:02:21 PM 519119
How does sysops/sysops1 work?nathan 4/22/2004 4:35:37 PM 378334
hate v hate where is the linemudshark 4/22/2004 6:59:25 AM 186241
Suicide Bomb Plot in UK??Bob 4/20/2004 8:17:06 PM 33795
RAAF Officer's essay on the New War.SGTObvious 4/20/2004 12:53:45 PM 02913
All we are saying... is give Osama a chance...American Kafir 4/20/2004 10:05:56 AM 03428
Israeli Make A Wish Foundation SGTObvious 4/20/2004 8:32:09 AM 33500
Jihadi Death Countswhitebull 4/17/2004 8:11:48 PM 03624
Ignore below post. (Read your message on the other board SYSOP)Salvo 4/17/2004 3:51:39 PM 03054
Islamofascist Clueless Quote of the MonthSGTObvious 4/16/2004 9:53:29 PM 319008
A little help ref terror, Judaism, and cemetaries Elbandeedo 4/14/2004 5:43:51 PM 23428
An Egyptian Professor's Take on Who Really Was BEhind 9/11swhitebull 4/13/2004 3:38:30 PM 83857
Gotta Love the British style of pointed Understatementswhitebull 4/11/2004 8:15:13 AM 155771
A Battle Plan For Defeating Radical Islam - swhitebull 4/10/2004 1:37:25 PM 136739
People doing terrorrists work as a joke rantFJV 4/5/2004 4:43:38 PM 13722
Another Day's workSGTObvious 4/4/2004 9:12:41 PM 83594
My God, a new objectiv view on the situation!Dr. S 4/2/2004 6:22:28 PM 196163
DEMISE of s .rD and Maverick - From SysOpsSYSOP1 3/31/2004 10:04:57 PM 03171
Clinton response to Khobar Towersairborne 3/31/2004 12:19:02 PM 14027
Not Bad for a day's workSGTObvious 3/30/2004 8:37:04 AM 13244
we let them get away agiantank 3/30/2004 8:24:32 AM 197054
Like A Virgin - Satireswhitebull 3/29/2004 8:58:09 PM 53711
(no subject)tank 3/28/2004 11:58:05 PM 13250
Madrid was Europes Beruit not there 9/11Siddar 3/25/2004 4:59:29 PM 5412672
Attack in SpainSGTObvious 3/25/2004 11:01:31 AM 6114609
WAKE UP CALL FOR the Europeansswhitebull 3/25/2004 9:12:35 AM 227249
Who in Europe is next Italy France UK Poland?Siddar 3/24/2004 4:50:12 PM 4911948
AFP headlines, ridiculous, but typically anti-SemeticElbandeedo 3/24/2004 7:28:43 AM 43640
A reuters headline, sickening.SGTObvious 3/22/2004 6:01:24 PM 83861
Too bizarre to explainSGTObvious 3/22/2004 5:55:09 PM 155773
al zwahirir cornered??Elbandeedo 3/22/2004 9:40:12 AM 114962
Spain, Europe, and Terrorismappleciderus 3/19/2004 10:11:41 PM 43677
Al-Zawhari is not surrounded (?!)KoSo 3/19/2004 5:52:06 PM 33825
French attempt to Assassinate Osama Bin Laden failsDragonReborn 3/19/2004 7:26:57 AM 93871
here is a great link on culpabilityfreedom 3/18/2004 9:57:25 PM 02685
baghdad hotel destroyedtank 3/18/2004 4:59:53 AM 23469
Freed Prisoners Complain of Torture in Guantanamo BayRoman 3/17/2004 10:51:00 PM 238673
Will there be a new election in Spain?Siddar 3/17/2004 1:37:22 PM 23392
(no subject)Panther 3/16/2004 6:17:34 PM 02989
Jihadist Perspective on SpainKoSo 3/16/2004 1:15:40 PM 33420
Spain is now Gyro-StabilizedSGTObvious 3/16/2004 8:13:19 AM 33651
Are we going to lose Spain?Final Historian 3/16/2004 4:33:04 AM 227380
Europe vs Terrorism - House of Cards ?zbig 3/15/2004 4:26:43 PM 03273
Spain the Real LossVulture 3/15/2004 3:47:01 PM 13368
Spain gives in by plebisciteJay 3/15/2004 12:41:31 PM 03386
Madrid terrorist attacks come precisely 911 days after 9/11 New York terrorist attacksRoman 3/13/2004 10:20:22 PM 03821
Brit's do you feel safer now that 5 Brits are out of Gittmo?TXAggie93 3/13/2004 6:58:15 PM 83648
Then again... ETA-Al Qaeda alliance?American Kafir 3/13/2004 4:46:04 PM 53508
3-11 Madrid train bombings probably not Al QaedaAmerican Kafir 3/12/2004 1:39:12 PM 03001
Reuters-sick as alwaysFinal Historian 3/12/2004 12:14:22 PM 13261
(no subject)tank 3/12/2004 3:54:29 AM 02794
Right in Our BackDoor - What Would Kerry Do?swhitebull 3/11/2004 6:09:28 PM 33447
Ask CNN to call ETA terrorists by their nameRomani 3/11/2004 4:09:46 PM 43769
Good OpEd on the detainee situationElbandeedo 3/7/2004 2:08:18 PM 33333
The Eagle Strikes Back - and It's About Timeswhitebull 3/7/2004 4:57:50 AM 33633
Let's call Terrorists What they Really Are- Islamic Jihadistsswhitebull 2/26/2004 11:10:53 PM 148555
Terrorist Rap Video ex-expat 2/25/2004 10:21:21 AM 25771
Is it a war...appleciderus 2/23/2004 4:41:10 PM 33278
This makes me sick.Elbandeedo 2/21/2004 10:43:07 AM 196378
Insurgents seek Al Qaeda aid!Panther 2/20/2004 4:05:35 PM 22782
Guerillas in the Midst - Islamic Jihadists in Florida Universitiesswhitebull 2/19/2004 9:15:12 PM 02812
Suicide bomber trying to fleeThomas 2/19/2004 1:37:27 AM 03014
When Jihadists Turn Against Jihadswhitebull 2/17/2004 8:55:40 PM 16340
Found: A Smoking Gun Elbandeedo 2/17/2004 2:16:11 PM 69464
Nuclear terrorist bombing?Shirrush 2/17/2004 11:19:06 AM 63333
Radical Islam in the Heartlandswhitebull 2/16/2004 8:06:10 PM 03977
Islamo Fascism is Alive and Well - At UC Berkeley - NO SURPRISE Thereswhitebull 2/16/2004 8:02:55 PM 33590
Osama's Navyswhitebull 2/13/2004 7:52:37 AM 33483
Nuclear Proliferation comes close to the threshold:Final Historian 2/11/2004 9:12:23 PM 03785
A Foundation For the War On Terror11b10 2/11/2004 5:56:57 PM 84237
Cultural insensitivitycapitalist72 2/10/2004 8:19:11 PM 219415
Congressional 9-11 investigation results:American Kafir 2/10/2004 1:31:29 PM 145150
Terrorism is Free SpeechAmerican Kafir 2/6/2004 9:04:23 PM 124621
Intolerance in religion - is it a cyclical process?capitalist72 2/6/2004 12:37:17 AM 33515
Did you know Terrorism support of Germany??!amocpower 2/4/2004 12:12:16 PM 23094
Steven Emersons New WebsiteElbandeedo 2/3/2004 10:18:19 AM 03086
Why it’s Islam vs rest of the worldcapitalist72 2/1/2004 6:34:50 AM 03205
How European Countries are Fighting back against the Loss of their Cultures to the Islamic Invasionswhitebull 1/31/2004 12:37:22 PM 13741
A terrorist campaign you probably did not know aboutcapitalist72 1/30/2004 5:58:01 PM 02876
A Different Type of Courage under Fire - the firing of al-Arian at U of SFswhitebull 1/25/2004 7:11:17 PM 03574
Terrorist specialist Laurie Mylroie - Why we Blew it in 1993 WTC - its NOT about Law Enforcementswhitebull 1/25/2004 4:46:36 PM 03532
AQ/Iraq Insurgency and the US election year?WinsettZ 1/24/2004 3:16:30 PM 115075
Censorship in the UKJay 1/23/2004 10:18:12 AM 33425
AQ/iran conspiracy!??! nahhhhh... German terror trial info/linksElbandeedo 1/23/2004 7:52:33 AM 33465
FlagBasher 1/23/2004 7:35:13 AM 6012195
A complex situationSherwood 1/22/2004 8:46:59 AM 166322
All That was Missing was Noam Chomskyswhitebull 1/21/2004 5:35:28 PM 43630
Terrorism Expert Steve Emerson under Islam Attack by California Democratic Leader Art Torresswhitebull 1/21/2004 3:39:06 PM 54498
The Monster Withincapitalist72 1/21/2004 10:39:29 AM 02969
In trouble for telling it like it isElbandeedo 1/21/2004 10:21:03 AM 53564
An Insider's Viewpoint on How President Clinton Blew It swhitebull 1/19/2004 5:54:21 PM 23160
The Stakes of the WarSGTObvious 1/19/2004 12:21:16 AM 114825
HareronSherwood 1/15/2004 12:58:03 PM 23356
More on What Makes a Terrorist a Terroristswhitebull 1/13/2004 3:09:41 PM 13719
A real Crusader calls out Osama Bin LadenAmerican Kafir 1/13/2004 1:38:37 PM 5117432
Egyptian airliner tragedy, does anybody believe the mech failure explanation?Jay 1/13/2004 6:43:31 AM 103868
A bit of good newsSGTObvious 1/10/2004 5:55:20 PM 83494
Interesting articleCrusader 1/9/2004 6:12:45 AM 02913
Pakistan's nuclear commercecapitalist72 1/8/2004 2:03:57 AM 63605
THe FBI was right after all -- Cancelled French flights at Christmas = terror suspect.NewGuy 1/7/2004 6:41:55 PM 33360
Shutting down the Internet Jihad, with the Internet Haganah!swhitebull 1/7/2004 6:31:10 PM 64033
Time for the French to re-Evaluate.SGTObvious 1/5/2004 8:28:57 PM 13327
We Are the Good Guys - get over itElbandeedo 1/5/2004 11:36:51 AM 13189
Condolences to the families of the airliner tragedy off of Egypt...NewGuy 1/5/2004 5:58:23 AM 13314
It's very good to hear terrorist whine!Elbandeedo 1/5/2004 5:57:08 AM 13361
France fights terrorism?American Kafir 1/3/2004 10:50:42 AM 73810
Daniel Pipes on How to Profile the Correct Wayswhitebull 12/31/2003 5:29:21 PM 02963
Is the orange alert related to anthrax?Ernst 12/29/2003 12:03:59 AM 33477
When radical Islam gains a foothold, stonings, amputations, and religious executions follow. swhitebull 12/23/2003 6:16:20 AM 4012993
Have good articles concerning Clinton's failure to persue Ladin and Ladin's actions before 9/11xtro2005 12/20/2003 11:34:58 PM 13244
Interesting newsFJV 12/16/2003 9:17:49 AM 03395
7 Questions to Ask a Muslim to Determine if He is a Moderate or an Extremistswhitebull 12/16/2003 7:22:42 AM 511724
How Italy is Dealing with the Islamo Terrorists in the Midstswhitebull 12/4/2003 4:45:24 PM 03278
How is it going??Thomas 12/3/2003 1:32:45 AM 43333
threats to a korean embassytettet 12/1/2003 2:56:20 PM 64059
Eid Mubarak & Happy ThanksgivingArrowGuns 11/26/2003 6:56:20 AM 03074
These guys have been instructed to take a time out and think about what they didswhitebull 11/26/2003 6:15:14 AM 03119
arafats terrorist sidekicks get translated by MEMRIElbandeedo 11/20/2003 6:34:12 PM 33803
The Death of Kemal Attaturk, and the WAr against the Westswhitebull 11/20/2003 8:43:15 AM 15453
The EnemyFinal Historian 11/8/2003 3:02:06 PM 23241
Happy Guy Fawkes NIghtgiblets 11/5/2003 3:31:24 AM 03681
Changing the US perception on the war againt Terrorismswhitebull 11/3/2003 12:43:03 PM 03634
Intelligence/secret service strategies/tacticsFJV 10/28/2003 12:24:00 PM 86872
Ex-Clintonians sponsor Terroristsswhitebull 10/23/2003 10:00:37 PM 02727
For those in DC: terrorism in Asia reportingcapitalist72 10/22/2003 10:05:08 PM 23310
Bagman for Hamas in the bagswhitebull 10/22/2003 9:31:07 PM 03141
New site coloursgiblets 10/21/2003 12:38:48 AM 73545
US Diplomatic Convoy bombed in Gazaappleciderus 10/19/2003 8:52:14 PM 227139
Reuters-Many Germans Think USA Staged 9/11 Jay 10/18/2003 3:37:22 PM 389255
NY Times: terrorists have switched to cashThomas 10/17/2003 7:10:25 PM 125192
Al-Muhajiroun (British terrorists) updateAmerican Kafir 10/3/2003 4:40:42 AM 13794
(no subject)Kimberley 9/24/2003 3:28:46 AM 93512
9/11 Celebrationappleciderus 9/24/2003 2:03:52 AM 369584
Peaceful islamic clericsappleciderus 9/23/2003 8:51:46 PM 23279
How to Deter the Meatbombersswhitebull 9/22/2003 4:02:13 PM 175852
Why Muslims hate us- q & A with Tom Friedmanswhitebull 9/20/2003 6:17:41 AM 13648
Air Raid Sirensthe P8RIOT 9/16/2003 6:57:21 PM 115732
Interesting piece from Gulf NewsSGTObvious 9/16/2003 7:15:23 AM 43398
Best performing Stock Market anywhere in the world since 9-11 is?capitalist72 9/16/2003 4:15:32 AM 34568
And those damn Zionists stole our toys (of hate, that is)swhitebull 9/15/2003 6:36:37 PM 03357
Prior knowledge of 9-11capitalist72 9/12/2003 9:34:30 AM 03415
Are we winning? Hell yes!!swhitebull 9/12/2003 4:36:57 AM 02851
Airline Security on September 10th, 2003American Kafir 9/10/2003 2:42:20 PM 33482
Sharpton on terrorismcowboy caesar 9/10/2003 2:19:07 PM 13011
Top 10 terror hotspotsPhilippine Soldier 9/9/2003 6:48:18 PM 66337
Two years soon.Tommy Atkins 9/8/2003 7:17:54 PM 23417
www.teawithterrorists.compatmorin47 9/8/2003 12:37:21 PM 13665
Why hasn't anyone done this before?SGTObvious 9/6/2003 5:47:54 PM 63564
Help!appleciderus 9/6/2003 3:17:09 AM 13237
Terror, Inc. swhitebull 9/4/2003 3:32:50 PM 93441
Message to Danielet from the SysOpsSYSOP1 9/2/2003 6:21:24 PM 02964
I am sure it is just a coincidence ...macawman 9/2/2003 1:23:30 PM 63420
The inevitable warappleciderus 9/2/2003 8:51:40 AM 63759
Al-Qaeda connection in CopenhagenThomas 9/1/2003 5:05:03 AM 13391
Lockerbie and FranceJohnny Frost 9/1/2003 4:55:42 AM 195469
Terrorist versus resistance movementsThomas 8/30/2003 11:11:52 AM 104666
Can YOU think like a terrorist?!!!Philippine Soldier 8/29/2003 3:55:37 PM 85528
Fighting Islamic Terrorism- the Fight over Dan Pipe's Nomination to the US Istitute of Peaceswhitebull 8/27/2003 7:28:38 PM 83546
Saudi's bloody fight with Al Qaeda?desertdog 8/25/2003 5:53:49 AM 13235
Canadians arrest 19 in nuke attack plot Jay 8/25/2003 4:36:48 AM 33361
Muslim calendar: September 11th is today American Kafir 8/22/2003 6:01:19 AM 03622
6 Unanswered Questions Posed to and Ducked By the Council of American-Islamic Relationsswhitebull 8/22/2003 3:05:59 AM 33438
I wonder how are the IRA doing.df-10 8/16/2003 2:03:29 PM 43175
US has HambaliZerbrechen 8/15/2003 11:35:20 AM 33208
US Intelligence AgenciesShaka of Carthage 8/13/2003 4:46:02 AM 54128
Why is it?FJV 8/12/2003 7:38:35 AM 23214
Who's worse? Hezbollah or the AQ?WinsettZ 8/11/2003 8:09:49 AM 63609
South America: As a base?ArrowGuns 8/10/2003 1:56:24 AM 154574
New Terrorists - gay rights activistsChrisWI 8/9/2003 12:48:17 AM 175849
...but you said 72....Elbandeedo 7/31/2003 5:57:48 AM 74323
The maddening logic of IslamAmerican Kafir 7/30/2003 3:34:55 PM 13228
Intelligence and 9-11appleciderus 7/29/2003 3:18:19 PM 23303
Saddam-Al Qaeda link?American Kafir 7/24/2003 8:08:53 PM 33134
is GeneralMeng insane ?PUSHY 7/23/2003 8:45:18 AM 02748
Islamic Terrorismappleciderus 7/21/2003 3:17:22 PM 83220
More Islamic Terrorismappleciderus 7/21/2003 1:10:17 PM 13063
Libyans don't want to be Arabs anymore.SGTObvious 7/12/2003 2:52:02 PM 296976
Suicide attack in Moscow concertFJV 7/11/2003 8:30:23 AM 154597
Happy Birthday AmericaAmerican Kafir 7/10/2003 2:47:56 AM 114542
Possible Bomb at NYC AirportChrisWI 7/3/2003 10:43:52 AM 13366
Red Alert?ChrisWI 6/30/2003 4:49:27 AM 5010074
Nice Catch, Athens!SGTObvious 6/26/2003 3:51:49 AM 43237
Oh geez... Fire that frickin' idiot Colin Powell already!American Kafir 6/25/2003 10:42:40 AM 125148
Egyptian journalist speaks on Wahabbism - from MEMRIElbandeedo 6/25/2003 7:52:53 AM 378964
The Guard is now a tourist attractionSGTObvious 6/24/2003 7:04:27 PM 13377
NORWAY?? Jeez, Osama, WHY NORWAYSGTObvious 6/24/2003 1:46:01 PM 266965
Al Qaeda tape promises more attacksAmerican Kafir 6/23/2003 9:28:30 AM 24059
Al-Qaeda reduced in range for attacks-ie a Good ThingVulture 6/11/2003 4:22:27 AM 63573
Labour MP praises brave IRA...Soylent Green 6/8/2003 10:45:35 PM 134799
HizbollahChrisWI 6/6/2003 7:42:22 PM 145054
After 9/11, the gloves come off.Elbandeedo 5/30/2003 6:38:57 AM 43437
This sums up the whole Gitmo Problem, doesn't it.SGTObvious 5/29/2003 4:07:52 PM 33195
Fire/Exp. on Cruise ShipChrisWI 5/25/2003 9:17:35 AM 03109
Northern IrelandPhillipTweedie 5/24/2003 9:01:56 AM 23726
We're going Orange again - wanna bet?Elbandeedo 5/22/2003 12:31:53 PM 63293
Yale is burning......ghettovet 5/21/2003 8:09:42 PM 43012
Saudi Arbian Attack-Eyewitnessgiblets 5/19/2003 4:29:56 PM 84629
AL-Qaeda eyed for Russian Nukes?Nuker 5/19/2003 3:56:20 PM 83672
And the guard starts coming down hard - America has officially forgotten.Elbandeedo 5/18/2003 8:16:07 PM 145124
Attack in Casablanca, MoroccoChrisWI 5/17/2003 6:09:55 AM 13327
NYC metro area targetsChrisWI 5/16/2003 4:09:26 AM 198059
Attacking cruise ship in Florida?MtViewGuy88 5/6/2003 7:40:24 AM 23952
French ImamsSGTObvious 5/3/2003 7:04:13 PM 125284
Russian Muslim threat credible?norden 4/27/2003 1:03:15 PM 33704
Joe-Save the rest of us some space dude!Jay 4/27/2003 12:57:52 PM 43226
Okay, this is getting too weird...SGTObvious 4/27/2003 12:51:54 PM 53067
Failed terrorist attack or weird coincidence?American Kafir 4/19/2003 7:54:32 PM 176863
More enemies in our campElbandeedo 4/17/2003 9:01:55 AM 03160
Terrorists and the Oslo AccordsElbandeedo 4/17/2003 8:10:06 AM 74938
Khalid Sheik Muhammad's Top 3 CONUS Targets for Terror AttacksAmerican Kafir 4/6/2003 3:57:32 PM 74941
Murder in the 101st - why here?Elbandeedo 3/27/2003 7:36:07 AM 03046
War on AL Qaeda score card updateAmerican Kafir 3/20/2003 4:14:53 PM 118017
News flash in Ukdeskpilot 3/20/2003 2:23:53 PM 13111
Meatbomber alert?Elbandeedo 3/18/2003 8:44:46 AM 03202
clinton targetted by al crudda?Elbandeedo 3/13/2003 5:28:49 PM 13223
excellent Zawahiri article from memrinorden 3/13/2003 5:06:24 PM 23168
A little more heat on the House of Saudpeanut gallery 3/7/2003 12:01:56 PM 63406
The Great Arm Twisting GameSGTObvious 3/6/2003 3:20:30 PM 53529
Hekmatyar, Annan, more islamo BS from islamonlinenorden 3/6/2003 1:44:54 PM 06851
The House of Saud - Osama Missedex-expat 3/5/2003 8:02:33 PM 03254
more whimpers from the supporters of terrorismElbandeedo 3/5/2003 5:11:27 PM 23287
House of Saud Target, Not Americaex-expat 3/5/2003 11:24:05 AM 03066
KSM now an informant! Yippee! Elbandeedo 3/3/2003 1:58:50 PM 13195
An Unconventional Arab ViewpointElbandeedo 2/26/2003 5:48:06 AM 02919
Anything more on the arrests in Britain last week ?peanut gallery 2/20/2003 3:20:21 AM 13073
Al Qaeda Fin. Doc. Turns Up In Bosnia Raid11b10 2/19/2003 11:40:23 PM 13112
Code RedChrisWI 2/17/2003 8:15:02 AM 43432
yassir arafat - animal rights activist?Elbandeedo 2/12/2003 2:54:30 PM 23310
Quote from Canadian officer Ref france and the WoTElbandeedo 2/12/2003 1:06:06 PM 03448
Canadian court throws the book at confessed terroristTopolino 2/12/2003 11:32:50 AM 23218
Terrorism strikes it's own home???Elbandeedo 2/11/2003 11:16:05 AM 23478
England and the rest of Europe are in a lot of trouble...Final Historian 2/6/2003 6:45:33 AM 115032
Algerian terrorists in U.K. - Ricin-YIKES!Elbandeedo 1/24/2003 1:24:38 PM 103301
Lybia jean 1/24/2003 12:21:34 PM 23495
Singapore vs Al QuedaSGTObvious 1/23/2003 8:47:18 AM 02951
Great NewsFinal Historian 1/22/2003 8:45:44 PM 03031
Spiralling downwardsSGTObvious 1/22/2003 11:21:38 AM 03040
Fattening them up?SGTObvious 1/21/2003 12:35:23 AM 33168
hamas says they'll attack the U.S. if...Elbandeedo 1/17/2003 5:26:44 PM 23574
Terror against ElephantsSGTObvious 1/10/2003 11:37:48 AM 12872

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